Forum Activity for @dazed

05/23/18 07:11:31PM
1,022 posts

1 Click Ban


Well the way I would write requirements for it it would look like this:

Using Gherkin...

Given that I am logged in as an admin
when I go to the dashboard
and I click on Pending
Then I will see a new button called Ban on the signup row
When I click Ban
Then I will get a modal popup with three check-boxes (and a select all option)
When I click ban IP
And I click ban user name
And I click ban email
Then I will receive a confirmation message to confirm ban actions
When I click ok on the confirmation message
Then the signup will be deleted
And the users email, username and ip will be added to the ban section
05/23/18 06:40:19PM
1,022 posts

1 Click Ban


Thanks Michael. I am looking more for banning, email, ip and username in one shot.
05/22/18 01:10:35AM
1,022 posts

1 Click Ban


due to all of the spamming I have, I have every signup go to pending. Then I research the signup and ban accordingly. What I would like to see with the activate/deactivate buttons is two things.

1 - check all button
2 - Ban User

The ban user would add the user name, email and IP to the ban list, If you checked multiple accounts, it would loop through all and add.
updated by @dazed: 08/23/18 01:24:39PM
04/30/18 07:26:41AM
1,022 posts

JR sites going down...

Using Jamroom

Ok hope you figure it out.
04/30/18 07:18:14AM
1,022 posts

JR sites going down...

Using Jamroom

I would get all of these issues resolved and see how you do. This is probably what is causing your problems.
04/30/18 06:37:44AM
1,022 posts

JR sites going down...

Using Jamroom

Actually it is on topic. You are on a shared server which is relevant to the topic unless you are truly the only website on a server that is outrageously large for a single site. A dedicated server is unique to one website. Shared services can be limiting in areas,

Out of curiosity, does your system check all green where it should be?
04/28/18 07:02:18PM
1,022 posts

JR sites going down...

Using Jamroom

What is the monthly cost on that server? That has to be over $3k a month!
04/23/18 05:12:03PM
1,022 posts

JrChat Question

Using Jamroom

shameless bump
04/03/18 06:25:50AM
1,022 posts

Pending User Bug

Using Jamroom

Can you guys set new user signups to be approved by admin
go to the dashboard and click delete

result - this is now only removing the profile id and not user and profile id's. The account remains on the page and when you click delete again you get "invalid profile id - no data for profile found".

You then need to go to the user accounts page and delete the rest making this a two step process.
updated by @dazed: 07/03/18 12:50:13AM
03/22/18 04:34:53PM
1,022 posts

performance test additional test


Load up JMeter - and give it a go. The problem is that everyone will have slightly different results because most are on different servers. What might be slow for you might be fine for me based on my server specs. Look at your peak load and then go from there. If you have 10 people online doing different things, write 10 different test that a typical user would do. Then increase the user load from 10 to 25, 50 etc. This will give you an idea of what you will need to do as your site grows. I would suggest a test environment and not running on a production site.
My guess is Brian has a baseline tests done and compares it with the latest build and then checks for variances. If it is good, that becomes the new baseline and the process repeats. The team knows that under those server specs, the system runs fne. The biggest hurdle with most applications, that I have found anyway, is the database load. Clustered servers are great or if you have mirrored databases with separate read/write calls is also a cool way to go. All boils down to cash though.

You can also use pingdom tools to see how a page loads and the time to load each object,