Forum Activity for @dazed

10/07/13 08:23:39PM
1,022 posts

New Module: IpsumJam

Using Jamroom

Took a look at this in IE10 and FF current on Win 7. No issues. Nicely done.

Questions - I am guessing that Paragraph Length can have a combo of all 4 and not all or nothing. I kind of expected to only be allowed to click one box.

Can you explain - IpsumJam profile url in greater detail?

Suggestion - Create a help file on the Info tab explaining seed, type etc.

This should come in handy for developers.
updated by @dazed: 10/07/13 08:27:24PM
10/06/13 07:52:20PM
1,022 posts

New Issue Tracker module

Using Jamroom

This will come in handy Brian. I would rather the people on my site use this vs a contact us message just for tracking purposes. Nice add!
10/06/13 07:49:34PM
1,022 posts

New Module: IpsumJam

Using Jamroom

Steve I am sad to say that I use an ipsum lorem generator almost every day so I can say I appreciate this one :)
10/01/13 08:20:45PM
1,022 posts

Forum is not posting

Using Jamroom

I can see!
10/01/13 08:19:14PM
1,022 posts

Forum Attachment

Using Jamroom

Brian if you are reading this, I see the post now.
updated by @dazed: 10/01/13 08:19:52PM
10/01/13 08:18:31PM
1,022 posts

Forum Attachment

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael. Yeah it should delete with a success message.
10/01/13 08:08:17PM
1,022 posts

Forum Attachment

Using Jamroom

Please test this scenario:

1. add an item to a post
2. delete that item only

I just get a page refresh but I think the file is actually deleted.
updated by @dazed: 12/13/13 08:07:33PM
10/01/13 07:15:09PM
1,022 posts

Latest updates to Forum


Brian I am still unable to post here.

Can someone test:

1. add an item to a post
2. delete that item only

I just get a page refresh but I think the file is actually deleted.
10/01/13 06:32:47PM
1,022 posts

Latest updates to Forum


Nice work Brian and thanks for fixing the forum!