Forum Activity for @dazed

10/18/13 07:32:07PM
1,022 posts

Cosmetic - Akismet In Drop Down Length

Using Jamroom

This is from my iMac. You may want to enlarge the drop down or shorten the Akismet field name.
Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 8.27.16 PM.png Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 8.27.16 PM.png - 34KB

updated by @dazed: 12/13/13 02:13:33PM
10/18/13 07:10:36PM
1,022 posts

Active Skin

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian :)
10/18/13 05:27:40AM
1,022 posts

Active Skin

Using Jamroom

Brian - It was indeed the admin skin. I was not even aware I set that up lol. I am not sure if the change flow is as user friendly as it could be though?

current setting:
PJ set as active skin (it is only active for admin skin)
PJ admin module checked and active
Nova is the site skin - no settings set in any module

If the user wants to change back to PJ, they need to:
Uncheck the Admin Module which:
1. changes the admin skin to nova and sets Nova as the active skin
2. changes the admin skin to nova
Then the user goes back to PJ and sets it as the active module

Would it make more sense to have a checkbox in the skin for
set site skin to $SKIN_NAME?
set admin skin to $SKIN_NAME?

The current flow is functional but on first glance, it looks odd because the active skin is checked for the admin skin and not the site skin.
10/17/13 04:19:45PM
1,022 posts

Update All Freezes on Ipsum


Steve - I did an "update all" modules from the Market Place after reloading core and running the integrity check. I ended up on the upload page for several minutes. I killed the upload, and removed ipsum and updated again and everything updated. You may want to see what is causing it to hang.

updated by @dazed: 12/08/13 10:38:57PM
10/16/13 07:52:10PM
1,022 posts

New Updated forum module now supports categories


I love this!! You made my day :)
10/13/13 12:42:46PM
1,022 posts

Active Skin

Using Jamroom

Anyone seeing an issue changing active skin? I set my test env to Nova and Nova is displayed for the index page but the cp is still set to PJ. When I look at PJ, it is still set as the active skin even though Nova is displayed.

I have reset caches and run integrity check.

updated by @dazed: 12/13/13 02:13:31PM
10/12/13 08:54:04AM
1,022 posts


Using Jamroom

Perfect. Thanks Brian.
10/11/13 09:04:02PM
1,022 posts


Using Jamroom

Brian - If you have not done so, can you please add forum counts? What I am looking for is on the stats page I would like to add:

Forum Total Posts ####
Top 5 Posters

As a bonus, or somewhere down the line, Forum Visitors in the last 24 hours that would be visible in the forum footer. This is kind of a nice feature in vb and phpbb.

updated by @dazed: 12/13/13 02:23:46PM
10/10/13 07:25:04PM
1,022 posts

Backstage VIP profile created


Brian I like this idea.

Bonus skins might help some sites but I think many of us are tied to one skin due to the customization. I like bonus modules though especially since you guys seem to be able to put them out quicker now.

I would also add a section on having a successful server along with promos, marketing and sales. I know you do not want to be in the server business but some pointers might help out people who run their own server. My server flies man. Just saying lol.

Preferential treatment on enhancement modules? So if I am looking for a mod that does "this" maybe mine gets moved to the top over non-members. Kind of a stretch but could be a perk.
10/10/13 07:13:16PM
1,022 posts

Thought you guys might appreciate this :)

Off Topic

You know the funny thing is you make 50 people happy and piss off 10. Rarely if ever can you please everyone so I gave up trying some time ago. You definitely develop a thicker skin over the years getting yelled at. Even moving to JR5 I had people leaving because they could not handle the change. Too complicated! I was scratching my head on that.