Forum Activity for @dazed

10/28/13 04:06:42PM
1,022 posts

New Updated forum module now supports categories


Brian - Is there a way to change the settings in the Forum so that users are not able to pin post or is only the "owner" able to pin?
10/27/13 03:47:55PM
1,022 posts

Popup Modal?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian!
10/27/13 03:39:13PM
1,022 posts

Popup Modal?

Using Jamroom

audio detail page of course :)
10/27/13 12:37:13PM
1,022 posts

Popup Modal?

Using Jamroom

How is the best way t do a popup modal on JR5?

updated by @dazed: 12/11/13 12:16:04PM
10/20/13 04:19:57PM
1,022 posts

Php Queries w/ DataStore

Jamroom Developers

Looks odd for an old oracle guy but I understand it hehe
updated by @dazed: 10/20/13 04:20:30PM
10/19/13 06:30:43PM
1,022 posts

Thought you guys might appreciate this :)

Off Topic

I think so. As far as I know I only lost 4-5 when I went to JR 5.
10/19/13 09:07:44AM
1,022 posts

New Updated forum module now supports categories


Ahh nice I was not aware you introduced all that. Yes on the image. Not a huge deal and I can probably add it on my own. PHPBB and VB usually show in the footer who is online and their name would also change color to green so you could identify who was there in a thread.
10/19/13 08:51:01AM
1,022 posts

New Updated forum module now supports categories


Ahh it did not post...I used left /right arrows so the forum does not like some special chars. This brings on another request lol to have a code button where you could copy and paste some text and not worry about it getting stripped out. You are going to need that in here when people start posting code for help.

18 Oct 2013 08:44:45AM
33 posts
updated by @dazed: 10/19/13 08:51:51AM
10/18/13 08:30:19PM
1,022 posts

New Updated forum module now supports categories


speaking of pushing our luck.....user online image for forum members currently on? :)

18 Oct 2013 08:44:45AM
33 posts
10/18/13 08:27:02PM
1,022 posts

New Akismet and Google Analytics modules


I installed the analytics and input a bogus code. I was looking at the view source on the browser thinking I would see the code and I did not. Where can I verify the code is displayed on the site?