Forum Activity for @dazed

10/30/13 06:49:06PM
1,022 posts

Path to Download Audio Change?

Installation and Configuration

Does anyone know if the download audio path has changed? Paul built a module for me so my dj's could download music and the 5.1 release killed it hehe. The link now goes to an odd page.

This is what was being used:

<a href="{$_conf['jrCore_base_url']}/audio/djdownload/audio_file/{$item._item_id}" title="download">

updated by @dazed: 12/07/13 06:59:44AM
10/30/13 06:05:47PM
1,022 posts

Search Forum on Forum Index


I like the search box in the individual forums but would also like to see one on the main forum topic page. Not everyone posts to the correct forum and a "master search" of all forums would be good.
updated by @dazed: 12/13/13 02:43:20AM
10/30/13 05:54:44PM
1,022 posts

jr embed link - confusion

Installation and Configuration

I just did the same and am now testing. Yes this is relaxing for IT people lol
10/30/13 05:49:43PM
1,022 posts

jr embed link - confusion

Installation and Configuration

get off the computer and enjoy your vac!

Everything was working well!
updated by @dazed: 10/30/13 05:50:04PM
10/30/13 05:42:22PM
1,022 posts

jr embed link - confusion

Installation and Configuration

appreciate the help on this Brian.
10/30/13 01:15:11PM
1,022 posts

Backstage VIP profile created


If you go to self-hosting, look into CentovaCast software. It is the same software JBServers uses. I have the latest version and it is solid. All DJ's can have a login and can start/stop the stream.
10/30/13 08:07:09AM
1,022 posts

jr embed link - confusion

Installation and Configuration

I swear I found a setting in the acp to change the jr embed link to a url link and now I do not see it. Anyone remember where this is? I think it changes
{jrYouTube_embed} invalid value received for "youtube_id" parameter ()
to display a link.

Actually I am a little confused by this because the player is displayed in the blog on certain pages and as a link on others.

updated by @dazed: 12/07/13 02:24:08AM
10/29/13 11:56:04AM
1,022 posts

Popup Modal?

Using Jamroom

awesome! can you add script tags in a modal? Mine was not appearing.
updated by @dazed: 10/29/13 11:57:22AM