Forum Activity for @dazed

11/15/13 08:35:49AM
1,022 posts

Subscription Request


Is there a way we can modify the subscription app so that I can manually add start/end dates in for customers sending me checks? I do not get a lot of these but have had a few lately. In JR4 I could manually set an end date for the sub and I am not sure how I can do this in JR5.


updated by @dazed: 12/17/13 04:27:11PM
11/15/13 03:05:49AM
1,022 posts

Newsletter Width in ACP

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - I went into core_form_layout.css and changed the below 15% and 85% respectively which yielded an odd result. It was resized but it really just shifted everything a bit to the left. What was odd is I now had a brand new Expand Help Button that appeared next to the form on the right that does nothing. I am wondering if this was supposed to be there with the available variables for the newsletter?

.element_left {
/* @title Element Right */
/* @help This is the right side of pages and forms where the form elements appear */
.element_right {
11/15/13 02:26:47AM
1,022 posts

Newsletter Width in ACP

Using Jamroom

Where would I change the width of the existing tinymce form for the Newsletter? I am getting a scroll bar on the bottom from a newsletter I used in JR4 so I would like to extend it a bit.

updated by @dazed: 12/20/13 06:07:09PM
11/14/13 02:43:35AM
1,022 posts

Audio Player


yeah I think that is sketchy at best. I have been able to get that to work once or twice on my site since JR5 was loaded. I just tried win 7 chrome and ff and no go. I am also running the latest version of jraudio. It really needs to be fluid to compete.
11/13/13 08:23:13PM
1,022 posts

Audio Player


I hate to even bring this up but it is my pet peeve. Audio players with no fast forward or rewind. Many times when listening to audio, in order to review it properly I find myself dwelling on sections. With these players I have to repeat the song from the beginning in order to get to a specific section.

Since there is talk of adding an swf player in order to accommodate Facebook, I figured it would be a good time to bring this up.
updated by @dazed: 12/15/13 08:23:42AM
11/13/13 08:16:56PM
1,022 posts

Forum Change Number of Posts

Using Jamroom

Perfect. Thanks Steve :)
11/13/13 08:08:39PM
1,022 posts

Forum Change Number of Posts

Using Jamroom

Posts in a category. I would like more than the default 10.
11/13/13 07:31:07PM
1,022 posts

Forum Change Number of Posts

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - Yeah I know all of that what I do not know is what template the call is in. I am just not seeing it listed. I am thinking item_list but that does not seem like the right one.
11/13/13 05:33:15PM
1,022 posts

Admin Drop Down Menu Code

Using Jamroom

Just an update, not that anyone cares lol but I got this working last night. Appreciate the help you guys.
11/13/13 05:22:55PM
1,022 posts

Forum Change Number of Posts

Using Jamroom

It looks like the forum is using the skin default page break setting. I would like to change mine to display more than 10 posts before a page break. Where do I need to change this? I was thinking item_index or item_list but nothing was jumping out at me.

updated by @dazed: 12/15/13 09:52:56AM