Forum Activity for @dazed

11/23/13 06:43:42PM
1,022 posts

PJ Dark - Page Jumper on Site_News.tpl

Installation and Configuration

For some reason on my index page, the page jumper displays 2 and it should show 1 since it is on the first page. Below is the code but I am not seeing what would cause this.


{if $info.total_pages > 1}

{if isset($info.prev_page) && $info.prev_page > 0}

{if $info.total_pages 500}
{$}  / {$info.total_pages}

updated by @dazed: 12/25/13 04:48:01PM
11/23/13 06:28:56PM
1,022 posts

Share Buttons - PJ

Installation and Configuration

Douglas - Can you take a look at the site_news.tpl and tell me if you get it to work there? I have it on the index.tpl and it is fine but I could not get it in the ajax tabs for some reason. When they did appear, that section was dark and other times I would have the share popup immediately. Oddness!

11/23/13 12:18:58PM
1,022 posts

Share Buttons - PJ

Installation and Configuration

ok I just did a search on the tag and that came back. I will take another look.
11/23/13 11:16:52AM
1,022 posts

Share Buttons - PJ

Installation and Configuration

Thanks Douglas. I did a search on and it was only in a few templates. I looked at the index_blogs.tpl and these are already listed. Is this where they belong on PJ?
11/23/13 10:36:57AM
1,022 posts

How to add "News" so it shows on homepage (Pro Jam Light Template)

Using Jamroom

Go into your skin > Click Info > Click on View Skin Notes. That will tell you all of the default blog categories.
11/21/13 07:14:33AM
1,022 posts

Share Buttons - PJ

Installation and Configuration

Is it just me or are the social networking links missing in PJ? I used to be able to share a blogs, audio etc. on twitter or facebook a few releases back and now I do not see it.
updated by @dazed: 12/25/13 11:09:56AM
11/21/13 05:30:29AM
1,022 posts

Activity Log - JRAction Save

Installation and Configuration

I noticed I am seeing a bunch of these in my activity log. Any ideas?

jrAction_save() empty data results for: jrBlog/5405
jrAction_save() empty data results for: jrEvent/476
jrAction_save() empty data results for: jrAudio/15539
updated by @dazed: 12/21/13 01:31:41PM
11/20/13 08:21:35AM
1,022 posts

Newsletter Width in ACP

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. Any idea why another help icon appeared? It looks like we are missing the newsletter variables. Maybe that was it?
11/15/13 06:41:05PM
1,022 posts

Subscription Request


Appreciate this Brian!
11/15/13 08:42:27AM
1,022 posts

Subscription Request


oh you are good lol