Forum Activity for @dazed

01/16/14 05:32:43PM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

If you get a chance, check out the ability to change a users info within the phpbb admin section. I tried to change a username and was getting an error. I did not look at phpbb forums to see if this was an existing bug but something tells me it may have to do with one of the files you updated. I have been known to be wrong though :).
01/14/14 01:19:28PM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Thanks for looking at it. If a user changes their password in JR is that also accounted for?
01/13/14 06:03:16PM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Question for you on the bridge. I see it creates the accounts on signup but what about existing jr accounts? Do the tables need to be copied over?
updated by @dazed: 01/23/14 08:35:43PM
01/13/14 05:32:58PM
1,022 posts

Timeline @Profile_Name link encoding

Using Jamroom

Is this where the expression, "It's all Greek to me" came from?

(sorry I could not resist)
01/11/14 09:12:55AM
1,022 posts


Using Jamroom

Thanks guys. I was able to add the stats I wanted.
01/10/14 06:53:49PM
1,022 posts


Using Jamroom

Is there any documentation on stats? I am looking for number of streams, downloads etc.

updated by @dazed: 02/10/14 12:29:46PM
01/07/14 03:51:34PM
1,022 posts

How fast is your site/server running?

Using Jamroom

5 Minute: .01
15 Minute: .02
01/07/14 03:46:48PM
1,022 posts

FB Share and Firfox and IE

Installation and Configuration

Thanks Caper. I had the first two already in there. The allow all domains resolved the issue.
01/07/14 04:59:47AM
1,022 posts

An Easier Way For Embedding a song player in a blog

Using Jamroom

will give it a try. Thanks guys.