Forum Activity for @dazed

01/23/14 05:55:57PM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Finding some bugs where users can't login. The users exist in JR and PHPBB and we have reset passwords in JR and still no luck. Any ideas?
01/22/14 05:29:31PM
1,022 posts

Language selection on Opera Browser

Using Jamroom

so you are the one using Opera! :) I was not even aware that browser was still being used hehe.
01/18/14 10:49:31AM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Nice! Just saved me some work.
updated by @dazed: 01/18/14 10:49:40AM
01/18/14 10:44:53AM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Thanks B. My situation is a little bit different than most. I went from PHPBB to VB to JR and now back to PHPBB. I converted the vb to phpbb a few days ago but I have members in the jr db that are not in the phpbb db right now. It looks like those will have to be entered in via the db so I am playing with that now. Good times.
01/18/14 10:06:44AM
1,022 posts

Custom Form Field Arrow?

Using Jamroom

Looks good. Thanks Brian. :)
01/18/14 09:54:33AM
1,022 posts

Custom Form Field Arrow?

Using Jamroom

much appreciated Brian.
01/18/14 09:48:01AM
1,022 posts

Custom Form Field Arrow?

Using Jamroom

Hey Brian! No I have not touched those.
01/18/14 09:31:59AM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

the only issue I am seeing so far is that when you navigate away I can come back and go to the JR site and I am logged in. When I click forum I am not logged in. So maybe we need the cookie set for retain login?

In this scenario the user as to go back to the JR site, log out and back in and then you can get into the forum.

Nicely done on the upgrades.
01/18/14 09:18:30AM
1,022 posts

Custom Form Field Arrow?

Using Jamroom

Anyone know why I have this arrow appearing on a new custom form field? It enlarges the whole field but you just get a big block above and below the text entry area. No other form field has this arrow and it looks odd!

2014-01-18 10_14_41-Profile _ 2014-01-18 10_14_41-Profile _ - 10KB

updated by @dazed: 02/21/14 08:09:10AM
01/17/14 04:30:28PM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Thanks B! Just another day in software development :). I will load this in tonight and run a few tests. I appreciate you jumping on this.