Forum Activity for @dazed

01/25/14 12:39:48PM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

Right now my path is like jamroom_url/module/module_name_release/js/modal.js

I should be able to do ../js/modal.js ??
01/25/14 09:18:02AM
1,022 posts

Arrange Sprite Icons

Using Jamroom

Out of curiosity, since there is now a great easy way to arrange the sprite order, if I need to add a sprite, how do I get it so that it appears in the arrange area?
updated by @dazed: 03/03/14 02:05:13PM
01/25/14 08:49:05AM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

sorry Brian just saw your post. It is working. How do I do relative paths in modules?
updated by @dazed: 01/25/14 08:49:47AM
01/25/14 08:47:51AM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

ok it appears it does not like the relative path. An absolute path is working.
01/25/14 08:33:06AM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

ok what are you guys doing differently?

I added the below to my item_template.tpl
<a onclick="myModule_modal();" title="Open Modal">Open Modal</a>
<div id="myModal" class="search_box" style="display:none;">
    <div style="float:right;">
        <input type="button" class="simplemodal-close form_button" value="x">
    <span class="title">Modal Title</span><br><br>
    <div class="clear"></div>

That put the link in but it does not open. Brian mentioned in another post all of the js code is already in JR. So then I added the below to the item_list.tpl and I copied the ks code into that modules js dir. Still no pop!

<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/modal.js'></script>

updated by @dazed: 01/25/14 08:42:31AM
01/24/14 08:20:15PM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

Thanks Guys. I am adding this to the item_list.tpl in playlist module. Brian you mentioned in the other post that the js is already added and I see that in the core. With that in mind, I was looking at the demos and found one I like. If I just add the below in, the page goes white and I lose most of the page. I am guessing I need the calls back to the js files? I thought those would already be included? In the demos they are linking back to the modal.js, jquery.js and basic.js. What do I need from a jr5 perspective?

// Change min height and width
	minWidth: 600
01/24/14 07:26:14PM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

good point on the social login but the accounts I am having issues with are not using social login. I disabled it and had the same issue on the username I sent you. I will catch you on skype over the weekend.
01/24/14 04:26:07AM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Thanks for the reply. Most of these I already had set. I can login under admin and my regular account fine.

repro steps of issue:

I grabbed a test account from before that existed in the forum.
In JR I reset the password
Logged into JR
Clicked forum Link and I am not logged in

Send me your email and I will get you a test login.

01/24/14 04:19:37AM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael. Brian mentioned that the js as already in place and we only needed the code. I was trying your modal example (from the thread) with no luck. What is a basic example of a modal that will pop from an icon on a media template?

01/23/14 07:11:18PM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

1. How do I see the list of available icons that are used for delete (trash can), update (sprocket) in ProJam? I am guessing there are more somewhere.

2. I was using a previous thread - and I am not able to get this popup modal working on an audio template. Any suggestions?
updated by @dazed: 03/01/14 11:20:09AM