Forum Activity for @dazed

01/31/14 05:33:17AM
1,022 posts

Artists Alphabetically PJ

Using Jamroom

Anyone noticing missing artists when looking alphabetically in PJ? The artist has an image so he should appear but does not. I can search his artist name and he will appear that way but not alphabetically.
updated by @dazed: 03/04/14 06:05:56PM
01/27/14 05:55:25AM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

It is being called from the item_list.tpl in the Playlist module. It could just be the example that Steve posted that I used. But even when I went to the simple modal site, I still was not having any luck. You have my login, if you want to take a look at it feel free.
01/26/14 09:35:32AM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. I thought it would work without the js call but it does not. If you have any suggestions I am all ears.
01/26/14 09:21:18AM
1,022 posts

Arrange Sprite Icons

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. I was wanted to stay consistent so I thought I would add it into the core. Is that a difficult process? I could not find the template it was on.
01/25/14 06:16:45PM
1,022 posts

Price Wont Show On Song Page

Using Jamroom

check the permissions on the quota that that person is in and make sure they can sell music.
01/25/14 06:13:35PM
1,022 posts

Two Questions....

Using Jamroom

Brian it is on a template item_list.tpl in playlist module. I added the below header to that page because it was the only way I could get the modal to work. When updates happen to the module, if this was a relative path it will be just a cut and paste to the new tpl vs having to do a version change in the path.

<script type='text/javascript' src='{$jamroom_url}/modules/jrPlaylist-release-1.0.5/js/modal.js'></script>

updated by @dazed: 01/25/14 06:13:56PM
01/25/14 06:07:44PM
1,022 posts

Arrange Sprite Icons

Using Jamroom

Hey Brian - You actually mentioned this to me a few weeks back. So on the audio page where you have the bundle, playlist, trash can, gear etc. If you login as the admin there is another button there so you can rearrange that order if you wanted playlist first, then bundle etc.

I added a new option on my playlist (item_list.tpl) page and added another sprite. However I do not know what page it really needs to go on so it appears in the admin config function so I can change the order. When I click the admin config button on the playlist page it takes me to site_name/core/item_action_buttons/list/m=jrPlaylist. In the template all I see is the below. I thought it was in playlist_button.tpl but that does not look right.

 <div class="block_config">
                        {jrCore_item_list_buttons module="jrPlaylist" item=$item}
01/25/14 03:54:52PM
1,022 posts

Existing Accounts

myPhpbb - Bridge Jamroom

Thanks for the help B. I think this issue is resolved. Since my site was converted from VB there was a db issue that I resolved with an update statement. Everything seems to be working well now.
01/25/14 12:43:25PM
1,022 posts

Arrange Sprite Icons

Using Jamroom

The small icons on most pages where the administration can change the order of the sprite icons like add, delete and update.