Forum Activity for @dazed

03/03/14 07:45:21AM
1,022 posts

recovering a deleted quota by mistake

Installation and Configuration

He was worried about skipping quota numbers so I was thinking of deleting the old quota entries from the db.
03/02/14 04:29:33PM
1,022 posts

recovering a deleted quota by mistake

Installation and Configuration

could this be done in the database?
03/01/14 05:46:09PM
1,022 posts

Facebook Like Box

Using Jamroom

I was reading the FB Like Box located here - and I think you guys need to modify it a bit.

That is only good for facebook pages so it is going to error for most people. I was getting errors on my pages so I ended up researching it a bit. So if you are using it will throw an error. The url must be like to be valid. is a great source and there is other code that can be used that might be better suited but your mile may vary.
updated by @dazed: 05/10/14 02:42:06PM
02/26/14 06:18:43AM
1,022 posts

[jrAudio] Help?

Installation and Configuration

Hey Paul! This is for the module you just worked on for me. I was assuming the media drop down was using existing core functionality. Am I wrong?
02/25/14 05:10:56PM
1,022 posts

[jrAudio] Help?

Installation and Configuration

I am doing a site contest and just realized this is kind of pain hehe. Many songs have the same song name and in the current format, [jrAudio] [SongName] there are sometimes several.

Is there any way to update the format to [jrAudio] [ArtistName] [SongName]?

updated by @dazed: 04/22/14 07:33:17PM
02/24/14 10:29:02AM
1,022 posts

Eliminate Some Images for Mobile Only

Using Jamroom

Thanks Douglas. The images are still appearing after killing cache on my mobile. Thoughts?
02/24/14 10:14:51AM
1,022 posts

Eliminate Some Images for Mobile Only

Using Jamroom

I have some images on my index page that I would not like to show to users on mobile. It is just too much. Is there a way to set these images to display on non-mobile browsers?

updated by @dazed: 04/08/14 12:24:17AM