Forum Activity for @dazed

07/01/14 07:37:58PM
1,022 posts

Embed Audio

Using Jamroom

Thanks Paul - Is there a way to use jrEmbed on all audio by an artist? I have only seen individual song.

Below is the code from the swf embed and I think I have added every tag possible at the admin level. I am not sure what could be missing. When added to a blog, it just deletes upon saving.

allowed html:
,em,&,flashvars,block,hr,div,ol,em,a,div,hr,pre,align,src,width,height,type,id,name,data,value, src

 <object width="100%" align="middle" height="100%"
 type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="n8MP3Player"
 > <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="bgcolor"
 value="#ffffff"> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"> <param
 name="allowfullscreen" value="false"> <param name="flashvars"
 value="profile_id=169360&base_url="> <embed
 flashvars="profile_id=169360&order_by=_created_desc&base_url=http://www" width="100%" height="100%">
07/01/14 07:17:00PM
1,022 posts

Embed Audio

Using Jamroom

Is there a way to ended all audio into a blog? I tried some variations of the below with no luck.


I also have a custom (mostly non-working) swf player from Nate that I am not able to embed into a blog. I have added all of the possible html tags into the admin approved tags but I think the urlscan might be toying with it. I thought I would see if the jrEmbed worked instead.
updated by @dazed: 08/03/14 01:59:47AM
07/01/14 07:01:36PM
1,022 posts

About Intergration script into jamroom

Using Jamroom

well I missed the target hehe.
07/01/14 05:23:02AM
1,022 posts

About Intergration script into jamroom

Using Jamroom

It was guesswork because I have seen people want model pages in similar fashion. I was trying to think it through and that was what I came up with. We will see how close I was lol.
06/30/14 07:28:32PM
1,022 posts

About Intergration script into jamroom

Using Jamroom

There is an old saying in the Information Technology world. You can do anything you want as long as you know how to code it. If you are asking can you just put a conditional statement in to do this the answer is no.

I look at your requirements like this.

1. Image Gallery to be setup for pay access only
2. user can subscribe daily, monthly or yearly
3. user will use paypal to buy subscription
4. successful paypal completion allows access
5. end of subscription triggers renewal notification
6. successful renewal extends subscription based on time increment
7. failure to extend subscription blocks access
8. payment goes to (user account or admin account?)
9. if payment goes to admin, does the user get a payout?
06/10/14 05:13:42PM
1,022 posts

System Tips Modification


Thanks Michael and Brian. I was originally looking at but never implemented. I am thinking it is time for me to do one or the other.
06/10/14 12:55:04PM
1,022 posts

System Tips Modification


I would not make it customizable like that ie. Admin change on editing the page. But the values would be stored in either a db or maybe php file. If an ad min wants to change the default values they could do so at their own risk.

In all honesty this module is needed badly. I can forward a few emails or you can actually check my forum since there is a thread there about confused end users.

The problem is we get them to the site and even though we find it easy to navigate, not everyone is as technical as we are. We lose people due to this.
06/09/14 07:58:58PM
1,022 posts

System Tips Modification


You know if we keep it basic I think it would be best. We do not need it to be excessive but if jr admin have access to tips, we could edit them ourselves. I also wonder if we set the standard on one page like what the icons are for and explain that they work the same on all subsequent pages if that would suffice?

(+) click here to create a song, blog, image etc.
(sprocket) click here to edit profile, edit song, edit blog
(trash can) click here to delete song, blog, image
(swirly) click here to arrange the song, blog, image order
(music image) click here to add this song to your playlist
(image) click here to change your image
(sprocket) click here to update your profile ie. bio, influences, email, language, notifications, subscriptions, social media and profile customization
updated by @dazed: 06/09/14 08:07:54PM
06/09/14 07:40:37PM
1,022 posts

System Tips Modification


Very cool Michael. This would be so valuable to me on the artist pages.
06/09/14 07:09:09PM
1,022 posts

System Tips Modification


Hopefully the team will see the value in this. There was some software out there that did overlays that I considered and I may go back to it. It is similar to what google uses when they release something new. The new JR Tips is very similar so I would love to see it added. Since it is already there, it might be easy to add. I am guessing it is just using anchors for the tips.