Forum Activity for @dazed

07/19/14 08:31:17PM
1,022 posts

Jr Email?

Using Jamroom

Reset my password through send grid and it seems to be working now. I must have been down for days! Appreciate the help.
updated by @dazed: 07/19/14 09:05:02PM
07/19/14 02:28:27PM
1,022 posts

Jr Email?

Using Jamroom

I have tried to send a few test emails from the acp and I am not receiving them. I am on 5.2.4 so I was wondering if this was a known bug that was fixed or if something else may be wrong.

updated by @dazed: 08/22/14 04:29:01PM
07/07/14 07:33:41PM
1,022 posts

Moveable Modal

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. I found some workarounds but I have not tried it yet -
07/06/14 06:30:17PM
1,022 posts

Moveable Modal

Using Jamroom

The current modal that exists in JR5, is it possible to make it draggable? Right now it uses a fixed position and you can't move it on the page. I was looking at Colorbox and having the same issue.

Any ideas?

updated by @dazed: 08/16/14 12:55:02PM
07/03/14 06:09:21AM
1,022 posts

Embed Audio

Using Jamroom

Awesome. Thanks Michael!
07/02/14 07:38:11PM
1,022 posts

Embed Audio

Using Jamroom

what I was looking for was something like this. I just realized I forgot to wrap this in code tags on my first post. Maybe an artist would like it so we could add it to the embed section at the top above their songs but I am looking for this just for the admin.

[ jrEmbed module="jrAudio" profileid="#" ] 

[ jrEmbed module="jrAudio" id="#" ] 

updated by @dazed: 07/02/14 07:42:05PM
07/02/14 05:40:20PM
1,022 posts

Embed Audio

Using Jamroom

I completely missed it! That is dd also because I always read the latest info emails.
07/02/14 05:34:12AM
1,022 posts

Embed Audio

Using Jamroom

Sounds cool Steve. Maybe have a checkbox for what to include/exclude.

By the way, I think I just saw you put together a communications app with chat? I wish I would have known about that last month before I purchased cometchat. Nice work on it.
07/02/14 04:53:49AM
1,022 posts

Embed Audio

Using Jamroom

Thanks Guys. Micheal - By Artist not Site lol. We do an Artist of the Month so it was always nice in JR4 that I could add a player with all of their songs in a blog. The same is true for an individual song. As an admin I do not want to have to create a playlist for everything I post in a blog. That is just added steps that should not be necessary. That is why I was hoping I could use jrEmbed for all songs from an artist.

Paul I disabled the module and it had no effect. When I create a blog and add the embed code from a few posts up via html button, the flash yellow screen is visible in the preview mode. As soon as I click submit it just erases all of the code.
