Forum Activity for @dazed

08/11/14 05:14:00AM
1,022 posts

Best Way To Add Reviews on Chart Pages

Using Jamroom

Appreciate the help Douglas.

yes - audio comments.

Go here and click the link sprite on the right -
08/10/14 11:43:17AM
1,022 posts

Best Way To Add Reviews on Chart Pages

Using Jamroom

Helps if I actually click a link vs pulling the url. I want to pop this in a modal and show the existing comments block you see when you go to the artist page.

If I use the below code I get the first person in the rows image for all rows in the chart. Not to mention the css is a mess. It looks like I amnot getting the row info completely into the modal.

<a onclick="$('#myModal').modal();" title="Embed Audio"><div class="sprite_icon sprite_icon_18"><div class="sprite_icon_18_img sprite_icon_18_link"> </div></div></a>

<div id="myModal" class="search_box" style="display:none;">
<div style="float:right;">
<input type="button" class="simplemodal-close form_button" value="x">
<span class="title">Coming Soon</span><br><br></span>
{jrCore_module_url module="jrComment" assign="murl"}
<div class="block">

<div class="title">
<h1>Comment On: {$item.comment_item_title}</h1>
<div class="breadcrumbs">
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/">{$item.profile_name}</a> » <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}">Comment</a> » Comment On: <a href="{$item.comment_url}">{$item.comment_item_title}</a>

<div class="block_image p5">
    {jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrUser" type="user_image" item_id=$item._user_id size="small" alt=$item.user_name class="action_item_user_img iloutline"}

<div class="col9">
<div class="p5" style="margin-left:24px">
    <span class="info" style="display:inline-block;">{$item._created|jrCore_date_format} <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}">@{$item.profile_url}</a>:</span><br>
    <span class="normal">{$item.comment_text|jrCore_format_string:$item.profile_quota_id}</span>

<div class="col2 last">
<div class="block_config">
    {if $_params.profile_owner_id > 0}
	{* profile owners can delete comments *}
	{jrCore_item_delete_button module="jrComment" profile_id=$_params.profile_owner_id item_id=$item._item_id}
    {* site admins and comment owners see this button *}
	{jrCore_item_delete_button module="jrComment" profile_id=$item._profile_id item_id=$item._item_id}

 {jrComment_form module="jrAudio" profile_id=$item._profile_id item_id=$item._item_id}



updated by @dazed: 08/10/14 11:56:07AM
08/10/14 10:15:03AM
1,022 posts

Best Way To Add Reviews on Chart Pages

Using Jamroom

went to site_name/news_story and I have side content but no main content hehe. Anyway I pulled the jrcomment item_detail as a start which helps but not a lot. It gave me the first artist name in the chart for every song.

still looking lol
08/10/14 10:02:22AM
1,022 posts

Best Way To Add Reviews on Chart Pages

Using Jamroom

Thanks Douglas. Looking now.
08/10/14 09:45:39AM
1,022 posts

Best Way To Add Reviews on Chart Pages

Using Jamroom

I want to add a review button on some pages that will display existing comments as well as allow users to comment without having to go to the artist pages every time.

Best way to accomplish?

updated by @dazed: 09/15/14 05:44:26PM
08/09/14 02:30:12PM
1,022 posts

Song Quota Bug

Using Jamroom

contacted the member and asked him to try again. He had no issues uploading today.

08/09/14 01:12:22PM
1,022 posts

Song Quota Bug

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. I am testing a variety of different ways and no such luck. I will get in touch with the last 2 people who messaged me and see if they had a different scenario.
08/09/14 12:37:53PM
1,022 posts

Song Quota Bug

Using Jamroom

This has been happening off and on for many months. I have a 5 song count quota. When a user has 5 songs and deletes a song to add a new one, they get an error that they are at their quota even though they only have 4 songs. I have a user with 3 songs (he deleted another) and still no go.

What I have ended up doing is adding a song as an admin and then having them modify it. How many other users have tried and walked away could be plentiful though so a fix would be nice.

Could it be that when a song is deleted the count is cached and not updated immediately? This error is hard to duplicate so I am kind of scratching my head.
updated by @dazed: 09/12/14 08:20:17PM
07/23/14 04:58:21AM
1,022 posts

Email Oddity - Any ideas?

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - Sendgrid is basically the same thing. Brian actually referred me to both if memory serves. I resolved the issue by white listing the sendgrid ip on my domain side.
07/22/14 08:04:29PM
1,022 posts

Email Oddity - Any ideas?

Using Jamroom

Hey Guys - I have a slight issue I am trying to figure out. From the acp > communication > email support > I am having trouble when running some tests. If I send to a gmail account I receive the test email just fine. However if I use an email from my domain ex. to from or to I receive no emails.

I use sendgrid and I see the emails being sent there. I then logged into my mail client and tried the same test and I receive the emails. I submitted a ticket to sendgrid for them to look at but I am kind of stumped. This worked fine a few weeks ago. I am no longer receiving log file emails, signups etc.

Appreciate the help!
updated by @dazed: 08/26/14 06:25:20AM