Forum Activity for @dazed

08/21/14 05:17:16PM
1,022 posts

New Artist

Using Jamroom

thanks for the quick fix!
08/21/14 11:41:50AM
1,022 posts

New Artist

Using Jamroom

Thanks for confirming. I have seen odd results and it looks like you are seeing the same using those two variables.

Appreciate your help.
08/21/14 09:14:59AM
1,022 posts

New Artist

Using Jamroom

That was used in jr4. That established the 30 day age. 1 day equals 86400 seconds.
08/21/14 06:50:44AM
1,022 posts

New Artist

Using Jamroom

Douglas were you able to take a look at this?
08/21/14 05:42:54AM
1,022 posts

Mobile Audio Not Playing in Android

Using Jamroom

Hey B. Yeah these are all things I have tested. The issue seems to be based on the phone model vs the os. I may pull it up on today and see how it plays there.i have tried a few other Android based phones and they are fine. My Note 3 played fine for months and then just stopped for some reason. I am guessing an update or some app is interfering with another app.
08/20/14 03:32:28PM
1,022 posts

Mobile Audio Not Playing in Android

Using Jamroom

Lol Steve. I get amazed for how long I have been working in IT how many people despise IE. Then I work with a bunch of others who love IE and hate Chrome or Firefox.

The funny thing is with the test automation I build I have to use all three. I hate IE because it is slow as hell but everything always runs successfully. Chrome runs extremely fast but you have to write in a lot of wait statements to look for elements before it proceeds.Firefox is probably the smoothest of them all in my world.

But when it comes to testing mobile devices they all suck. I hate emulators with a passion.
08/20/14 12:13:50PM
1,022 posts

Mobile Audio Not Playing in Android

Using Jamroom

Seems to be tied to my model for some reason. I tried two note three's and same thing but also tried a few other androids and they were ok.

Appreciate the help guys.
updated by @dazed: 08/20/14 12:14:56PM