Forum Activity for @dazed

10/12/14 07:32:27AM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom - that has had a lot of FB plays and my testing was on it. Over the last 4 days it has had 2 plays appear and it has been played by many people.

Appreciate the help Brian
10/11/14 07:54:35PM
1,022 posts

support module

Using Jamroom

I like the support module. Great job and glad you guys opened this one up. Paul's old module was superb so this will come in handy.

1. the open ticket row is displaying in yellow - see screen shot.
.ticket_high_priority {
    background-color:#FFE680 !important;
2. I have a quota set with browse access off. As an admin I opened a test ticket and this profile can view the ticket. should the quota only be able to see their own tickets?
3. also what is the admin link to the module? I have a different menu system in place. Is it

4. Based on the above, who is sent emails upon ticket changes and what setting is driving the emails?
- 19KB

updated by @dazed: 11/29/14 11:59:33AM
10/11/14 07:09:56PM
1,022 posts

New - Support Tickets Module


grabbing it now
10/11/14 04:54:41PM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom

Brian I removed the override files several hours ago so it is all JR. I did plays immediately after on a few different browsers and no play counts updated on the artist page.

any ideas?
10/11/14 10:58:54AM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom

Will do but in my testing I need to know when the count is updated. Is there a job I run to update it or is it immediate?

What I meant was a small majority of plays are from the nate player. The rest are jr like newest songs, Fb player and other Jr links.
updated by @dazed: 10/11/14 11:04:06AM
10/11/14 10:16:48AM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom

ok not sure if that is it. The plays are coming from FB also as well as directly from JR audio play links and yet they are not incrementing. I can remove all of Nate's stuff (not happy with it anyway) and go back to JR core code and we will see what happens.

thanks again
10/11/14 10:00:18AM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. You have my login info if you need it.
10/11/14 09:46:01AM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom

I am actually testing with Mac and Win 8. I ran an integrity check and no updates.
10/11/14 08:46:16AM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael!

I have an artist who has been at 11 plays on a tune and I have streamed it and no change. So I am guessing it is across the board.

What is a play count? 10 seconds worth play, 30 seconds or the whole song?

I have tried all of the above yesterday and no updates. He has been at 11 plays for more than 2 days.

In JR4 when this happened we had a job that ran that would rerun the play counts stats and that usually fixed everything.

Any ideas?
10/10/14 05:54:33PM
1,022 posts

New - Support Tickets Module


Great job guys!