Forum Activity for @dazed

11/03/14 06:40:02PM
1,022 posts

PJ "About' Area Went MIA

Using Jamroom

I am not sure what happened but my About blog entry is not appearing on my main page.

updated by @dazed: 12/04/14 08:15:00AM
10/15/14 06:24:11PM
1,022 posts

support module

Using Jamroom

Can you guys check on another bug? I just uploaded the latest release but I had a ticket I opened as user that was "solved". That "user" gets a permission error trying to delete their own ticket. Not sure if it really matters but this was mac /chrome.

also, what do I need to do to be able to reply to the email so that it appears on the ticket? I just tested that out and I did not see an update on the ticket and I replied above the line.

updated by @dazed: 10/15/14 06:53:09PM
10/13/14 05:10:42AM
1,022 posts

Stripe - Change Credit Card

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael
10/12/14 03:34:43PM
1,022 posts

Stripe - Change Credit Card

Using Jamroom

Brian - Can you tell me how/where to change my credit card info for Marketplace Purchases? It has my expired card and I did not see a place to change this.

updated by @dazed: 11/16/14 08:26:23PM
10/12/14 09:26:14AM
1,022 posts

New - Support Tickets Module


actually I need to get that setup. I want to boot sendgrid but you mentioned there needs to be a change to postfix on my server.
10/12/14 08:47:36AM
1,022 posts

support module

Using Jamroom

cool. thanks!
10/12/14 08:42:31AM
1,022 posts

support module

Using Jamroom

I have that user in std user group.
10/12/14 08:27:08AM
1,022 posts

support module

Using Jamroom

ok so just looked at this again. I have a quota set with:

Support Ticket Access
create access
priority inbox
file attachments

When I login as that user, I see "Open Tickets", "Closed" and "Create Tickets". This seems correct except that under open tickets, they can see a test ticket the admin created. Should they only see tickets that they opened?
10/12/14 07:51:44AM
1,022 posts

Audio Counts

Using Jamroom

ok that is weird because we have had multiple people testing it. For facebook could it be an issue with fb requiring ssl and my site is not using the ssl for the main url?
10/12/14 07:34:16AM
1,022 posts

support module

Using Jamroom

ok good info. I changed the color because I could not read anything in the row. You may want to check that out.