Forum Activity for @dazed

12/04/14 04:30:04AM
1,022 posts

JR PJ - Comments Sort

Using Jamroom

very punny :)
12/03/14 05:11:40PM
1,022 posts

JR PJ - Comments Sort

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael. I changed it to "_item_id NUMERICAL_DESC" and that is pulling it in correctly.
12/02/14 06:41:48PM
1,022 posts

JR PJ - Comments Sort

Using Jamroom

So I have the below code and I noticed today that I have comments from 2010. Did the order by clause change?

{jrCore_list module="jrComment" order_by="_created NUMERICAL_DESC" limit="10" template="side_comments.tpl" assign="SIDE_COMMENTS"}

updated by @dazed: 01/13/15 06:09:36AM
12/01/14 04:44:58PM
1,022 posts

Comet Chat

Installation and Configuration

Hey Guys - I have been using cometchat on JR5 for 5-6 months now. Sorry I missed this post I could have helped out a bit.
11/23/14 07:54:37PM
1,022 posts

IE 9 Compatibility Issue?

Using Jamroom

Through the browser. Open IE and hit F12 to bring up developer tools. You can emulate IE9 from there.
11/23/14 05:07:04PM
1,022 posts

IE 9 Compatibility Issue?

Using Jamroom

have you tried using ie9 from developer mode? I never thought it was as accurate but you can try it. Hit F12 and then ctrl+8.
updated by @dazed: 11/23/14 05:07:48PM
11/22/14 05:57:41PM
1,022 posts

IE 9 Compatibility Issue?

Using Jamroom

The rule of thumb is current version minus one. So IE11 and IE10. The problem you run into as a developer is how much time and effort do you spend making sure your software supports older versions for a handful of people. You might tell him to try Firefox or Chrome if he has it on his system. Vista however died out a long time ago and who knows if any of the current browsers actually support that OS.
11/04/14 07:08:16AM
1,022 posts

PJ "About' Area Went MIA

Using Jamroom

That was it.
11/04/14 07:02:05AM
1,022 posts

PJ "About' Area Went MIA

Using Jamroom

About was not modified. I wondered if it was due to the change that was made to allow other admin users to post news stories? So that query would need to be changed to "in" on the about page. Other than that, nothing has changed.
11/04/14 04:52:56AM
1,022 posts

PJ "About' Area Went MIA

Using Jamroom

The about blog has been there for about 8 years but it suddenly stopped displaying. So the coming soon is a default.