Forum Activity for @dazed

12/28/14 07:52:47AM
1,022 posts

PJ - Profile Influences

Using Jamroom

Hey Paul! It says it is already installed but I did not have an influences text box in the profile.
12/27/14 11:36:24AM
1,022 posts

PJ - Profile Influences

Using Jamroom

I ended up adding this as a custom form field and it works now. It looks like it was appearing from JR4 but no way to add or modify in JR5.
12/27/14 11:32:33AM
1,022 posts

PJ - Profile Influences

Using Jamroom

So I am trying to edit the influences for an artist and I do not see it in when modifying an account. Anyone know where this ran off to?
updated by @dazed: 02/16/15 04:41:53AM
12/14/14 08:55:41AM
1,022 posts

PJ Profile Views

Using Jamroom

That did it. Thanks Brian.
12/14/14 08:39:28AM
1,022 posts

PJ Profile Views

Using Jamroom

I am seeing this on the PJ Artist Profile.

PROFILE VIEWS: {jrCore_get_count} invalid value received for "profile_id" parameter

{jrProfile_stats profile_id=$_profile_id template=$stats_tpl}
                              <div class="stat_entry_box">PROFILE VIEWS:</b> {jrCore_get_count module="jrProfile" item_id=$_profile_id name="profile_view"}</div>

updated by @dazed: 01/13/15 11:40:37AM
12/10/14 03:47:43AM
1,022 posts

JR PJ - Comments Sort

Using Jamroom

If it helps, here was my original Brian.

{jrCore_list module="jrComment" order_by="_created desc" template=$site_comments_template pagebreak="6"  page=$_post.p}
12/09/14 04:25:56PM
1,022 posts

New - Support Tickets Module


I like where you are going Brian.
12/07/14 07:13:29AM
1,022 posts

Support Tickets - Email Inquiries

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. I am trying to figure out a solution to eliminate spam coming in. The one thing that I am wondering is can we get 2 site emails setup?

I would like a separate support email and site email. Since the "from email address" must match the support email address, every outgoing email has that support address on it so anything from Newsletters will contain that support address. When someone sends an email to support, it is hitting all of the admins so multiple people are now getting spam not to mention a support ticket is created. The support email is not one I want to advertise externally unless a ticket is opened. If I have a separate outgoing email address I could just use and they can reply directly to me.

12/06/14 05:10:28PM
1,022 posts

Support Tickets - Email Inquiries

Using Jamroom

Brian - Where are the email inquiries coming from? I am starting to get spam in here.

updated by @dazed: 01/06/15 01:07:06PM
12/04/14 05:53:02PM
1,022 posts

JR PJ - Comments Sort

Using Jamroom

Hey Brian. Changing this did correct the sort issue. Using _created desc had me all over the map for site comments. I had posts for 2008 appearing as the first post.