Forum Activity for @dazed

12/16/15 08:53:42AM
1,022 posts

Add intellisense to @


Hey Brian. Basically a predictive list that reduces typing. So if I type @b your name would appear below and I could just select it.
12/13/15 10:11:43AM
1,022 posts

Add intellisense to @


It would be nice if we could add some intellisense to the @symbol so we can pre-populate names.
updated by @dazed: 03/15/16 10:43:19PM
11/30/15 07:12:20PM
1,022 posts

ProJam - Remove Profile on Blog

Using Jamroom

I figured it out. Thanks for your help Douglas.
11/29/15 10:36:57AM
1,022 posts

ProJam - Remove Profile on Blog

Using Jamroom

Thanks Douglas. Same results. On the index.tpl I have the below but as an admin I still see it. As a regular user I do not. I do not think the call in the blogs_row.tpl needs to be changed.

       <div id="blog_div" class="mb20">
        {jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" search1="blog_category not_in about,welcome,latest,featured,exclusive" search2="profile_id != 30"  template="blogs_row.tpl"}

The blogs.tpl has:

{if isset($option) && $option != 'all'}
    {jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" search1="_user_id = 1" search2="blog_category = `$option`" search3="profile_id != 30'" template="blogs_row.tpl"}
    {jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" search1="blog_category not_in about,news,welcome,latest,featured,exclusive" search2="profile_id != 30" template="blogs_row.tpl"}
11/28/15 06:24:26PM
1,022 posts

ProJam - Remove Profile on Blog

Using Jamroom

I created a "no index blog" profile in order to move a user so that their blogs are no longer displayed on the index page.

I added the below to the blogs.tpl file but I am still seeing the posts as an admin. What am I missing?


search3="$item.profile_id not_in '30'"

updated by @dazed: 03/25/16 06:25:36AM
11/15/15 08:25:34AM
1,022 posts

Signup Hold Process


Brian - Just wanted to let you know that Berkley Taxi signed up again last night. Everything worked well :). Thanks again for putting this fix in.
11/02/15 01:44:42PM
1,022 posts

Signup Hold Process


Hey Brian that is awesome! This I did not expect. How difficult was it to do?
11/01/15 05:03:07PM
1,022 posts

Signup Hold Process


Obviously understood but the question becomes how difficult would this be to implement and is it something that would be considered?
11/01/15 06:39:12AM
1,022 posts

Signup Hold Process


Brian - Just a thought here. After the user signup is complete, could you run a search from the ban items? I went to change the profile to "Inactive" and had "Your entry contains the following text which is not allowed: "berkeley taxi"". So I am not able to change it to inactive because it is listed in the ban section.

So considering this, what is to stop Jamroom from scanning the Ban Items after a social signup and setting a profile to inactive if a match is found? We can then send an email to the Admin and User.
