Add intellisense to @
Hey Brian. Basically a predictive list that reduces typing. So if I type @b your name would appear below and I could just select it.
<div id="blog_div" class="mb20">
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" search1="blog_category not_in about,welcome,latest,featured,exclusive" search2="profile_id != 30" template="blogs_row.tpl"}
{if isset($option) && $option != 'all'}
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" search1="_user_id = 1" search2="blog_category = `$option`" search3="profile_id != 30'" template="blogs_row.tpl"}
{jrCore_list module="jrBlog" order_by="_created desc" limit="5" search1="blog_category not_in about,news,welcome,latest,featured,exclusive" search2="profile_id != 30" template="blogs_row.tpl"}
search3="$item.profile_id not_in '30'"