CometChat - How To Guide
Using Jamroom
There have been a lot of long threads on CometChat and since I just had to redo mine I thought I would share some information. I had the custom version for about two years and my server took a dirt nap. I took the opportunity to download the Jamroom CometChat Module and install it. It took me a few hours to wrap my brain around their bad/missing instructions but I finally have everything working.
1. I downloaded the module from their site
2. Read their install file and add these files/folders to chmod to 777
/modules/ccCometChat/contrib/cometchat/colors folder & files
I think that was all!
3. Make the module active
4. On the install tab, click Install CometChat
5. Run Integrity Check
6. Go to ACP > Developer Tools > Database Admin. Make sure you have roughly 10 cometchat_* tables. When I installed I only had jr_cccometchat_cometchat_jamroom_users. If you only see one cometchat table or no tables, in a browser go to This will install the database. You will also get a message to copy and paste some values to your meta.tpl file. More on that in a bit.
7. go back to the database and make sure your tables are now visible
8. Open your meta.tpl file and make sure this is displayed below the head tag
<link type="text/css" href="/modules/ccCometChat/contrib/cometchat/cometchatcss.php" rel="stylesheet" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/ccCometChat/contrib/cometchat/cometchatjs.php" charset="utf-8"></script>
9. Refresh your browser cache
10. You should see the chat module on your index page now. If you see it for a split second and it disappears, go to the comet chat admin panel and click on the settings tab. Click on the Change Base Url link on the left. Mine looks like . If the base url is wrong, cometchat will not work.
Good luck
updated by @dazed: 05/18/16 02:28:23PM