Forum Activity for @dazed

02/16/16 05:31:38PM
1,022 posts

CometChat - How To Guide

Using Jamroom

My support ended awhile ago and we use this chat more as a shoutbox so I just could not see renewing it. The concern I have is that their docs are not complete so support is almost a requirement. By design maybe?
02/16/16 07:36:36AM
1,022 posts

CometChat - How To Guide

Using Jamroom

From what I have seen there is no difference. I still have the premium version and I did not purchase the jr version. When I went to their site to download it again, I had the option to get whatever I wanted. I am not using video or anything like that and I have another chat room I use that is more robust.

I am not sure if it is any easier to use being wrapped within Jamroom but it does automatically setup the database associations.
02/15/16 08:31:22PM
1,022 posts

CometChat - How To Guide

Using Jamroom

There have been a lot of long threads on CometChat and since I just had to redo mine I thought I would share some information. I had the custom version for about two years and my server took a dirt nap. I took the opportunity to download the Jamroom CometChat Module and install it. It took me a few hours to wrap my brain around their bad/missing instructions but I finally have everything working.

1. I downloaded the module from their site

2. Read their install file and add these files/folders to chmod to 777
/modules/ccCometChat/contrib/cometchat/colors folder & files

I think that was all!

3. Make the module active

4. On the install tab, click Install CometChat

5. Run Integrity Check

6. Go to ACP > Developer Tools > Database Admin. Make sure you have roughly 10 cometchat_* tables. When I installed I only had jr_cccometchat_cometchat_jamroom_users. If you only see one cometchat table or no tables, in a browser go to This will install the database. You will also get a message to copy and paste some values to your meta.tpl file. More on that in a bit.

7. go back to the database and make sure your tables are now visible

8. Open your meta.tpl file and make sure this is displayed below the head tag

<link type="text/css" href="/modules/ccCometChat/contrib/cometchat/cometchatcss.php" rel="stylesheet" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/ccCometChat/contrib/cometchat/cometchatjs.php" charset="utf-8"></script>

9. Refresh your browser cache

10. You should see the chat module on your index page now. If you see it for a split second and it disappears, go to the comet chat admin panel and click on the settings tab. Click on the Change Base Url link on the left. Mine looks like . If the base url is wrong, cometchat will not work.

Good luck

updated by @dazed: 05/18/16 02:28:23PM
02/14/16 01:35:53PM
1,022 posts

Bug or ?

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael - Nothing in the logs. I emptied them and deleted another old pending user and nothing. Thanks for your help.

02/14/16 07:56:00AM
1,022 posts

Bug or ?

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - That is the correct steps. It should not make difference that I am on ProJam theme but I am not sure what would be causing this.
02/13/16 03:56:40PM
1,022 posts

Bug or ?

Using Jamroom

I have the latest update - thanks Brian :)

I deleted some pending users (dashboard > pending) and received an error: invalid profile id - no data for profile found.

Since my server had just bit the dust a few days ago, I wanted to test a new signup. When I deleted it, received the same error.

Is this a bug with the new release or is my site still out of whack?
updated by @dazed: 05/16/16 12:23:51PM
01/30/16 03:47:24PM
1,022 posts

Share this issue with facebook

Using Jamroom

Can't you just specify the image you want to use using og tags? Go to and look at og:image. Create a new graphic that fits the facebook image size and link to it. Add the meta tag accordingly in your header. Then rebuild the page. Go to and put in the page url to rebuild the cache and you should see the image displayed from the page scrape.

A full image example:

<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="" />
<meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpeg" />
<meta property="og:image:width" content="400" />
<meta property="og:image:height" content="300" />
01/24/16 07:06:10PM
1,022 posts

Integrating Online Radio Station - RadioJar

Using Jamroom

I have a dedicated server and I use shoutcast and centova cast. I am able to stream in 320k for pre-recorded shows and depending on the live dj's connection, they can run 128k-192k so the music quality does not suffer.
01/24/16 09:18:28AM
1,022 posts

Integrating Online Radio Station - RadioJar

Using Jamroom

Are you looking for live shows or pre-recorded shows?
12/16/15 09:01:23AM
1,022 posts

Add intellisense to @


Yeah everything I do is in visual studio so just used to those terms hehe.

I just realized when replying in a blog it was not available and I was trying to make sure I had the spelling correct. I thought it would be easier.