Forum Activity for @dazed

06/08/16 04:40:29AM
1,022 posts

Market Place Sort


I would say both. When new products are released I would like to easily identify them.
06/07/16 07:52:05PM
1,022 posts

Market Place Sort


Can you add a sort to the market place?

Price - High to Low
Price - Low To High
By Rating (Might be good to add that also)
updated by @dazed: 09/09/16 08:21:44PM
06/07/16 03:45:09PM
1,022 posts

Share This Not Displayed

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael. It is kind of weird. If you have a moment take a look at which is in my jrAudio_item_detail.tpl file. If you look at the console errors you see:

Uncaught ReferenceError: stLight is not defined

However that page has no reference to the share this app that I see. If I add the missing code in, the error goes away but no share links are displayed. So I am confused as to why the error is displayed if there is no call to share this. It seems like something else is going on. I looked at the PJ Demo page but it looks like share this is not enabled.

06/06/16 06:43:22PM
1,022 posts

Share This Not Displayed

Using Jamroom

I am not sure when this happened but I made some changes to my site and switched it to SSL. This required me to change all of the js calls to https so the browsers would load the content. I am seeing the below from share this and I am not sure what caused this. I also added a new audio player so there could be some jquery collisions.

My publisher id is in the config although it does not match the key in the code below. (odd?)

I am seeing the below in the dev console and this is obviously not loading the sharethis code.

Any suggestions?

Uncaught ReferenceError: stLight is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: stButtons is not defined
Please specify a ShareThis Publisher Key
For help, contact

<script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x = true;</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({ldelim}publisher:"my code her"{rdelim});</script>

updated by @dazed: 09/09/16 02:00:00AM
06/05/16 05:29:09PM
1,022 posts

Jquery in TPL Help

Using Jamroom

Thanks guys - I have it working. I ended up loading it to a new tpl file and then pulling off the js calls until I found the offending ones. Appreciate the help.
06/03/16 08:09:09PM
1,022 posts

Jquery in TPL Help

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael. It looks like I have some jquery collisions happening. Appreciate the help.
06/02/16 05:35:34PM
1,022 posts

Jquery in TPL Help

Using Jamroom

Aside from the literals, does this need to me modified when using it in a tpl file? I am throwing an error but it works fine if I run it from an html page.


		jQuery(function() {


updated by @dazed: 09/06/16 03:18:27PM
04/09/16 07:46:28AM
1,022 posts

How to deal with human spammers?

Using Jamroom

I am to the point where I am debating on blocking all ip's from India. They have taken over as the spam capital of the world I think.
04/02/16 07:58:17PM
1,022 posts

buying a server outright, is this option right for you?

Installation and Configuration

Not sure if I would ever host my own server. Many ISP's have rules against this or require specific business accounts. Hosting your own would also require static ip's which is also an additional fee. Michael also hit it on the head in regards to your home speed. Data centers are going to provide you with the best option. I am guessing your speed test is going to drastically decrease running it from your house unless you are paying for business services from your isp. I also question if SSD is a bit overkill. Most major companies are still not using SSD due to the price and most sites run fine providing they are configured/load balanced properly.

I hosted with OVH/SoYouStart for awhile and only had 2 issues over a few years. They are considerably cheaper than most but in using them, I cut my bill from about $300 a month to $59.
03/25/16 07:17:28PM
1,022 posts

Foxycart XML Error

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael. I did recently go to https but I am not sure if that was the case unless the redirect throws the 301 error. I changed it so we will see what happens. Thanks for the help.