Forum Activity for @dazed

07/16/16 07:45:25AM
1,022 posts

ProJam Comment Delete

Using Jamroom

ok weirdness - as an admin I am not longer able to see the edit button which is odd because the conditional statement looks correct.

if jrUser_is_admin() || !isset($item.comment_locked)}
                            {if $_params.profile_owner_id > 0}
                            {* profile owners can delete comments *}
                            {*{jrCore_item_update_button module="jrComment" profile_id=$_params.profile_owner_id item_id=$item._item_id}*}
                            {jrCore_item_delete_button module="jrComment" profile_id=$_params.profile_owner_id item_id=$item._item_id}
                         {* site admins and comment owners see this button *}
                            {jrCore_item_update_button module="jrComment" profile_id=$item._profile_id item_id=$item._item_id}
                            {jrCore_item_delete_button module="jrComment" profile_id=$item._profile_id item_id=$item._item_id} 

updated by @dazed: 07/16/16 07:46:01AM
07/16/16 06:57:54AM
1,022 posts

ProJam Comment Delete

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - I was more worried about having the ability to "put words into people mouths". It leaves the profile owner with the ability to edit the post and add derogatory comments and then say "I can't believe they said that about me." Meanwhile the original author is claiming "I never wrote that." This is why I have the thought that you either want the comment or you do not.

As an admin, I want edit capability. For a profile owner, no. I can't think of a site out there that allows a profile owner to edit a post that they did not write.
07/15/16 08:14:55PM
1,022 posts

ProJam Comment Delete

Using Jamroom

I set the comments module to allow profile owners to delete comments. When testing this out I noticed that the user has the ability to not only delete but also edit. Editing seems like a an issue waiting to happen. Is there a way to disable that?
updated by @dazed: 10/21/16 03:15:08AM
07/15/16 07:29:53PM
1,022 posts

Bug In Subscription

Using Jamroom

Brian was this ever looked at? I have artists paying for other artists subscriptions (might be a nice module for "gifting") and the expiration date is not displayed.

06/29/16 04:08:57PM
1,022 posts

FoxyCart Question

Using Jamroom

ok made the change on foxycart and setup the retries so will see what happens.

Thanks for the help all!
06/29/16 04:54:19AM
1,022 posts

FoxyCart Question

Using Jamroom

Thanks MIchael. I guess what I need to clarify this will work then. With v1.1 when a subscription payment is missed or cancelled, the subscription remains active. There is no cancel after "x" days.

In Jamroom the sub ends but at times I have payments coming in from Stripe for a sub that has already ended in JR but is still active in Foxy. Then I have payment that will never make a change to the artists account and unless they notify me, I do not know. Yes I get the email for payment but rarely do I reconcile each payment. Foxy changed this in v2 so that I can say if payment is not received in "x" days, make it inactive so it cancels.

This is why I want the change. It seems like changing is fine but based on your comments on how we use Foxy I am wondering if this is a bug or if the change will resolve this issue.
06/28/16 07:11:49PM
1,022 posts

FoxyCart Question

Using Jamroom

I have been using FoxyCart v1.1 since JR added FoxyCart. I see that they have v2 out which offers some functionality around subscriptions I would like to add. Before I change the version, is this already supported by JR and are there any updates I need to make?

updated by @dazed: 10/08/16 06:47:08AM
06/18/16 05:09:52PM
1,022 posts

Bug In Subscription

Using Jamroom

Open an artist page up
Go to the Profile Page from an Admin (ex.
My profile quota set to a month sub
change Quota Scheduled Change Date to a date (ex: 7/10/2016)
Set a change to quota
go back into the profile

result - quota end date is not displayed - No idea if the db retained the value or not since I did not look.

expected result - end date should be displayed

updated by @dazed: 10/21/16 03:14:40AM
06/18/16 10:48:52AM
1,022 posts

Meta Tags

Using Jamroom

I have some og tags on my meta tpl file but those are overwriting profile og tags. So on the profile page the og:image appears twice. One site image and the other the user images.

I think the meta module can fix this but have not played with it enough. How sis the best may to exclude the incorrect og:image on the profile page?
updated by @dazed: 09/26/16 10:11:21PM