Forum Activity for @dazed

09/19/16 04:57:03AM
1,022 posts

Latest Comments - HTML Markup Displayed

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - These are default ProJam templates. It is really a bug.
09/18/16 10:22:05AM
1,022 posts

Latest Comments - HTML Markup Displayed

Using Jamroom

I am using jrComments on my side_home.tpl/side_comments.tpl file and wanted to see how to resolve this issue. When a user uses the quote option to reply, I am seeing the html markup for the quote in the comment. Ideally I should see some different color and the username on the block quote vs the html code.

updated by @dazed: 12/19/16 05:38:32AM
09/18/16 10:15:20AM
1,022 posts

Purge Old Notes

Using Jamroom

I can't recall if this is already in JR but is there an option that I can say delete old messages that are greater than "x" days? I used to kill these from the database before but was curious if there was an easier way.
updated by @dazed: 01/07/17 08:04:55AM
08/28/16 12:55:39PM
1,022 posts

Changing the skin on TinyMCE

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael. That worked fine.

Appreciate it!
08/27/16 12:57:44PM
1,022 posts

Changing the skin on TinyMCE

Using Jamroom

Has anyone changed a tinymce skin? I used the online sin generator and added my skin to modules/jrCore-release-5.4.0b4/contrib/tinymce/skins but I am not sure how to set my skin as the default in JR. I did try changing my skin folder name to "lightgray" and renaming the old but I did not see my changes.


updated by @dazed: 12/02/16 01:25:17PM
08/24/16 07:01:33AM
1,022 posts

Group Error - Firefox and IE Only

Using Jamroom

Brian fixed this in the new version.
08/24/16 04:39:59AM
1,022 posts

Group Error - Firefox and IE Only

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - This is all default Jamroom templates. No changes have been made.
08/23/16 02:42:11PM
1,022 posts

Group Error - Firefox and IE Only

Using Jamroom

Here is the template from the index.tpl file in the groups module.

{jrCore_include template="header.tpl"}

<div class="block">

    <div class="title">
        {jrSearch_module_form fields="group_title,group_description"}
        <h1>{jrCore_lang module="jrGroup" id=1 default="Groups"}</h1>

    <div class="block_content">
        {jrCore_list module="jrGroup" order_by="_item_id numerical_desc" pagebreak=10 page=$_post.p pager=true}


{jrCore_include template="footer.tpl"}

08/22/16 08:21:05PM
1,022 posts

Group Error - Firefox and IE Only

Using Jamroom

That is why I found it odd that it worked in chrome only.

I will take a look in the am. I have made no changes so this is all default templates. So if you are seeing something different on your site, I am not sure what would be wrong. The error is calling the sql statement so something is off and it should not be from a url.

Appreciate the help!
updated by @dazed: 08/22/16 08:22:27PM
08/22/16 07:59:19PM
1,022 posts

Group Error - Firefox and IE Only

Using Jamroom

Hey Michael - I was just using the modul url from the info page ie. site/group Then I added the code into my menu. Nothing major yet. I was looking for a quick link to all groups.

<a href="{$jamroom_url}/group/">Groups</a>