Forum Activity for @musamensa

02/12/17 11:26:19PM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

sorry wrong code
{if $item.chart_new_entry == 'yes'}
                                <img src="{$jamroom_url}/skins/{$_conf.jrCore_active_skin}/img/chart_up.png">
                            {elseif $item.chart_direction == 'same'}
                               <img src="{$jamroom_url}/skins/{$_conf.jrCore_active_skin}/img/chart_same.png">
                            {elseif $item.chart_direction == 'up'}
                                {$icon = 'chart_up'}
                                {if $item.chart_change > 5}
                                    {$color = 'FF5500'}
                                {$icon = 'chart_down'}
                                {if $item.chart_change > 5}
                                    {$color = '3393ff'}

i have switched to skin images but only chart_up is working.
02/12/17 12:19:06PM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

here is what i have done, the chart_up.png seems to work but other chart images are not working.

{if $item.chart_new_entry == 'yes'}

{elseif $item.chart_direction == 'same'}

{elseif $item.chart_direction == 'up'}
{$icon = 'chart_up'}
{if $item.chart_change > 5}
{$color = 'FF5500'}
{$icon = 'chart_down'}
{if $item.chart_change > 5}
{$color = '3393ff'}
02/12/17 08:05:54AM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

i also noticed that i cant highlight any content on the browser,
02/12/17 08:04:53AM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

thanks guys, i did all that and it seems fine i still have issues with the position image and i cant figure out how to reduce the size of the play button.
02/12/17 08:02:27AM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

They need to go in your skin /img/icons_black and/or /img/icons_white folders. Then call them with code like this (taken from the AudioPro skin) -
                            {if $item.chart_new_entry == 'yes'}
                                {$color = '339933'}
                                {$icon = 'chart_up'}
                            {elseif $item.chart_direction == 'same'}
                                {$icon = "chart_same"}
                            {elseif $item.chart_direction == 'up'}
                                {$icon = 'chart_up'}
                                {if $item.chart_change > 5}
                                    {$color = 'FF5500'}
                                {$icon = 'chart_down'}
                                {if $item.chart_change > 5}
                                    {$color = '3393ff'}

                            {jrCore_icon icon=$icon size="24" color=$color title='hi'}

02/12/17 04:19:20AM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

hi, thanks, i have got the hang of it now but i have trouble with $item.chart_direction images, they appear as broken images in the browser, i have located all the .png files and i have placed them in the skin/img folder and the core/img folder but still no show,

chart_cool_down.png chart_cool_down.png - 589B
02/11/17 12:16:12PM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

i am having issues with the tables is have changed my layout, this is the code am running

{jrCore_module_url module="jrAudio" assign="murl"}
{if isset($_items)}

{jrCore_icon icon="stats" size="28" color="ff9900"} Top 10 Singles
{foreach from=$_items item="item"}

{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrAudio" type="audio_image" item_id=$item._item_id size="xlarge" crop="auto" class="iloutline img_scale" alt=$item.audio_title}

{if $item.audio_file_extension == 'mp3'}
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_button" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" item=$item}
{jrCore_image image="download.png" alt="Download" title="Download"}

{if $item.chart_direction == 'up'}
{if $item.chart_change > 10}
{assign var="chart_image" value="hot"}
{assign var="chart_image" value="up"}
{elseif $item.chart_direction == 'down'}
{if $item.chart_change > 10}
{assign var="chart_image" value="cold"}
{assign var="chart_image" value="down"}
{elseif $item.chart_direction == 'same'}
{assign var="chart_image" value="same"}


{if $item.chart_direction != 'same'}
{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="46" default="moved" assign="chart_postition_title1"}
{assign var="cp_title" value="`$chart_postition_title1` `$item.chart_direction`"}
{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="47" default="position" assign="chart_postition_title1"}
{assign var="cp_title" value="`$item.chart_direction` `$chart_postition_title1`"}
{jrCore_image image="`$chart_image`.png" width="16" height="16" alt=$item.chart_direction title=$cp_title}
{if $item.chart_change > 0}

{jrCore_lang module="jrAudio" id="12" default="genre"}: {$item.audio_genre} 
{if isset($item.audio_album) && strlen($item.audio_album) >0}album: {$item.audio_album}{else}{/if}
{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="49" default="plays"}: {$item.chart_count}

{jrCore_module_function function="jrRating_form" type="star" module="jrAudio" index="1" item_id=$item._item_id current=$item.audio_rating_1_average_count|default:0 votes=$item.audio_rating_1_count|default:0 }

{if isset($item.audio_file_item_price) && $item.audio_file_item_price > 0}
{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrFoxyCart')}
{jrCore_module_function function="jrFoxyCart_add_to_cart" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" item=$item}
{elseif jrCore_module_is_active('jrPayPal')}
{jrPayPal_buy_now_button module="jrAudio" item=$item}
{elseif $_conf.jrAudio_block_download != 'on'}
Free{jrCore_icon icon="download" size="24"}
N/A{jrCore_icon icon="lock" size="24"}
{jrCore_module_function function="jrPlaylist_button" playlist_for="jrAudio" item_id=$item._item_id}


{if $info.total_pages > 1}
{if isset($_post.module_url) && $_post.module_url == 'song_chart'}
{assign var="pb_url" value="song_chart_weekly"}
{assign var="pb_url" value=$_post.module_url}

{if isset($info.prev_page) && $info.prev_page > 0}


{if $info.total_pages <= 4}
{$}  / {$info.total_pages}

{for $pages=1 to $info.total_pages}
{if $ == $pages}
 / {$info.total_pages}


{if isset($info.next_page) && $info.next_page > 1}


02/11/17 06:24:46AM
253 posts

How do I display Chart results in a table

Design and Skin Customization

Hi, please i am trying formatt my chart so the results are displayed in a table with each field displaying in individual columns.
updated by @musamensa: 05/16/17 05:39:09AM