Forum Activity for @johnchansa

12/30/13 10:46:49AM
195 posts

Jplayer playlist and track images

Design and Skin Customization

The Jplayer has a provision for a poster in the script.Even the JR5 players show this:
{if is_array($media)}
        {foreach $media as $a}
            {if $a._item.$ext == 'mp3'}
                    title: "{$a.title|htmlentities}",
                    artist: "{$a.artist}",
                    mp3: "{$jamroom_url}/{$a.module_url}/stream/{$params.field}/{$a.item_id}/key=1/file.mp3",
                    poster: "{$jamroom_url}/{$a.module_url}/image/audio_image/{$a.item_id}/large"

I wonder why it does not function like their demo does.
12/30/13 08:26:47AM
195 posts

Jplayer playlist and track images

Design and Skin Customization

OK..thanks for the info.
I created a popup player in JR5 which shows the jplayer and artist image above it...just the way it appears on the profile page. However it only works for one song.It plays the track and an image also appears.
I was trying to come up with something for a playlist but things got complicated.
This is the code I used for the popup player:

{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrAudio" type="audio_image" item_id=$_post.option size="large" class="iloutline img_shadow" crop="auto" alt=$item.audio_title width="196" height="196"}
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark".....}

updated by @johnchansa: 12/30/13 08:31:40AM
12/30/13 07:12:05AM
195 posts

Jplayer playlist and track images

Design and Skin Customization

Can the jplayer playlist be set up to show track images as it plays?I would like my radio stations to display track images much like the JR4 players can do.Any suggestions?
updated by @johnchansa: 02/10/14 06:43:25AM
12/29/13 12:57:00PM
195 posts

Nova skin audio pop up player

Design and Skin Customization

Thanks a lot....I managed to also create pop-up players for other media like youtube and soundcloud.
12/28/13 11:53:58PM
195 posts

Nova skin audio pop up player

Design and Skin Customization

I have been trying to create a pop up player for audio tracks but Its not working out.Any suggestions?this is what I have:

<a onclick="popwin('{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}/{$item.audio_title_url}','audio_player',545,240,true);"><img src="{$jamroom_url}/modules/jrAudio/img/button_player_play.png" width="32" height="32" alt="{$item.audio_title}" title="{$item.audio_title}" onmouseover="$(this).attr('src','{$jamroom_url}/modules/jrAudio/img/button_player_play_hover.png');" onmouseout="$(this).attr('src','{$jamroom_url}/modules/jrAudio/img/button_player_play.png');"></a>

{jrCore_include template="meta.tpl"}
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col12 last">
            {jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_blue_monday" module="jrAudio" item=$item}


updated by @johnchansa: 01/29/14 12:35:43AM
12/20/13 05:47:02PM
195 posts

uploaded audios not appearing on songs page

Using Jamroom

I found a way around the problem.I set the required images setting to "0" and all the new uploaded soundcloud tracks appeared on the songs page.....Strange as the other soundcloud tracks still showed when the setting was "1"
12/20/13 02:16:43PM
195 posts

uploaded audios not appearing on songs page

Using Jamroom fact the newest song(number 1 on the songs page) is a soundcloud track
12/20/13 01:16:36PM
195 posts

uploaded audios not appearing on songs page

Using Jamroom

If I understood your instructions correctly,I did the following
1."Rebuild your profile" on the profile page
2."profile regenerator" on the admin menu

Unfortunately the situation is still the same.
12/20/13 12:41:18PM
195 posts

User playlists and jplayer

Using Jamroom

Just checked the website.....Perfect
Thanks a million
12/20/13 11:40:58AM
195 posts

User playlists and jplayer

Using Jamroom

use this link to get to cpanel
use the last login details i sent you
updated by @johnchansa: 12/20/13 11:41:40AM