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Using Jamroom
sorry Michael some of my questions were already answered.
c-Panel has a link to your database PHPMyAdmin go there and back up your JamRoom database
you can back up to the local server(your web hosting backup location) or download it to your home computer. I do both but I make backups of backups and back up again. That 20 years of Internet Music wisdom speaking and I remember when we were excited about pictures.
Next log in with your ftp client
and copy all the files on the server to your local computer, you'll want to create a folder and name it Web-Site anything you want as long as you know where it is.
the configuration file is in data/config/config.php be double sure you have a back up of this file
Now upload the new files to the JR directory on the server/hosting service
now you're almost ready to start fresh, 1 decision yet to make do you create a new database and import the current or use repair to connect. Thank's an answer that Paul or Micheal would have more experience with