Forum Activity for @serveion

12/21/15 09:08:14PM
223 posts

Rss Audio Reader Custom

Using Jamroom


I been trying to make a audio custom rss with feeds module where i can show all or fix number of new songs on the system,

am planing make a list from 100 to 300 track links, so i can later add to my autotweet where each feed will be a tweet. to help artist can be promoted by our website. but i try but i have no idea how to start,

thank you for your help.

ps when i open audio rss feed am getting this error I don't know how to fix it or start, I believe is the latin character within the xml but not sure, see attachment
Screen Shot 2015-12-21 at 11.53.50 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-12-21 at 11.53.50 PM.png - 77KB

updated by @serveion: 04/01/16 04:31:37AM
12/19/15 02:06:06AM
223 posts

Sharethis Twitter Image

Using Jamroom


I have a question sharethis when i change on facebook look awesome but when I do the same on twitter i get no image of the song (song art). if this something it can be added or do i have to configure it. i have check but i cant find any answer by my self so am here bothering you guys lol

thank you.
updated by @serveion: 03/22/16 05:01:51AM
12/18/15 08:59:32PM
223 posts

audio_conversions page not found. after using Import Audio tool

Using Jamroom


i used the The Import Audio tool on audio to import large list of audio
after all the importing is done it give me the option to check conversions i click on them and i get the following msg.

check attachments
Screen Shot 2015-12-18 at 11.54.24 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-12-18 at 11.54.24 PM.png - 90KB

updated by @serveion: 03/21/16 07:50:00AM
12/12/15 12:29:27AM
223 posts

Generating cover from mp3.

Using Jamroom

Hello Michael

the bad part i own my on dedicated and for some reason i never activate the backup option on the server,
i have the backup module but i can use it because i don't have Amazon S3. as i have enough space in my server second harddrive.

so my only solution is to reupload the mp3 to the existing urls, but what is going to kill me is the cover i dont have a jpg or png of the song covers everything is on the mp3 meta data. and there is no option to reset all images from songs, or extract them from the mp3.

ps i dont have jamroom backup.

thank you.
12/11/15 06:16:26PM
223 posts

Generating cover from mp3.

Using Jamroom


hear my story, by mistake i delete the folder data, from the server, done cant be recovered. I setup backup to daily but I forgot that don't work with out the amazon information. I have all the url links and profiles, all the media is gone. i know i know golden rule always backup.

i will upload the mp3 to the server i can do that in a few hours, but what is gonna kill me is the image cover for every song because all the song on the system have a default image on it, when I upload the the song, image wont be generated,

1. so my question is the follow, how generate all the images on the profile audio from mp3s fast if is posible

2. how can I modify the audio module and add a option to generate the image cover, (like a check mark do you want use mp3 art)

3. I haven't try to delete images from the tables in my sql (right now am mad not a good idea to work mad, i will check that tomorrow.)

4. can you make the backup and restore to work with ftp too. i have other server i can use for backup storage,

all help will be welcome, go easy on me. lol
updated by @serveion: 03/11/16 06:29:26AM
11/11/15 09:29:02PM
223 posts

Audio Download Button on Tablets and Mobile

Design and Skin Customization

I can see the button if i use a plugin with chrome to test different screen size, but in a real device buttons dont show,
i have a kindle, and htc one m9 and m7 both don't show icons, i added a temporary one for now until i can find out what will be the best way for me to implemented,
Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 12.25.42 AM.png Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 12.25.42 AM.png - 85KB
11/11/15 08:40:50PM
223 posts

Audio Download Button on Tablets and Mobile

Design and Skin Customization


Beta Version.
Am adding the download button to website but when I access to mobile and tablets download button dont show.

am planing to add this
{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/download/audio_file/{$item._item_id}">{jrCore_image image="download.png" alt="download" title="download"} to where i want to show the download button for now on the artist profile audio tab list but i lost which file to edit.


i found out you need to go to each page individually to enable the download for single for song album then for single song page. so that is fixed on the website, but i still can see download button on the tablets or mobiles.

thank you

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 11.47.02 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 11.47.02 PM.png - 138KB

updated by @serveion: 02/10/16 08:58:33AM
11/10/15 02:55:50PM
223 posts

Playlist audio Cover out Of Proportion

Using Jamroom

Thank you Very Much,