Forum Activity for @serveion

01/06/16 06:07:22PM
223 posts

BetaSite: Search

Using Jamroom


for some reason my search is showing some song or artist on the website,
am running flashback, how can i reindex the whole system again, in order for the search to get better.?

thak you
updated by @serveion: 04/10/16 05:19:33PM
12/30/15 07:44:58PM
223 posts

Aparna: Adding Text Editor to a TextArea

Using Jamroom

Hello @paul

I found it i have to select
in type = editor to enable the editor on the field

thank you.
Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 10.42.44 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 10.42.44 PM.png - 19KB
12/30/15 05:32:43PM
223 posts

Aparna: Adding Text Editor to a TextArea

Using Jamroom


Am creating to modules using aparna, how can I add Text Editor to a text area for user to add clean text,

Thank You
updated by @serveion: 04/01/16 04:32:10PM
12/28/15 09:21:11PM
223 posts

Form Designer: Check for field

Using Jamroom

Hello @michael

Thank you very Much.
12/28/15 07:51:38PM
223 posts

Form Designer: Check for field

Using Jamroom


I found a way to do it but am not sure if is the correct one. please let me know is there is a better way to do this thank you very much

 {if empty($item.audio_itunes_url)} 

            <a href="{$item.audio_itunes_url}">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="ituneslogo.png"}</a>
  {if empty($item.audio_amazon_url)}

              <a href="{$item.audio_amazon_url}">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="amazon-mp3.png"}</a>
   {if empty($item.audio_spotify_url)}

               <a href="{$item.audio_spotify_url}">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="spotify.png"}</a>
    {if empty($item.audio_google_play_url)}

               <a href="{$item.audio_google_play_url}">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="google_play.png"}</a>

updated by @serveion: 12/28/15 07:58:08PM
12/28/15 07:06:32PM
223 posts

Form Designer: Check for field

Using Jamroom


Am adding some field to audio module, for amazon iTunes google play and spotify url
but i would like to check field, in order for me to show them on the page, but i have no idea how to do it with form designer.

I found something code in the forums no long ago but i can't find it anymore.

 {if $item.audio_itunes_url == 'on'} 


     {if $item.audio_itunes_url == 'on'} 
                         <a href="#">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="ituneslogo.png"}</a>
Don't show anything.
          <a href="{$item.audio_amazon_url}">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="amazon-mp3.png"}</a>
          <a href="{$item.audio_spotify_url}">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="spotify.png"}</a>
          <a href="{$item.audio_google_play_url}">{jrCore_image module="jrAudio" image="google_play.png"}</a>

buy.png buy.png - 56KB

updated by @serveion: 04/01/16 04:51:49PM
12/25/15 10:05:10PM
223 posts

Rss Audio Reader Custom

Using Jamroom

Hello @michael

I have modify the rss.tpl on the feed module and it works perfectly,

here is how the code looks like now.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">
        <title><![CDATA[ {$rss_item.title|jrCore_entity_string}]]></title>
        {foreach $_items as $item}
                <title><![CDATA[ {$item.title|jrCore_entity_string}]]></title>
                <description><![CDATA[ {$item.description|jrCore_format_string:$item.profile_quota_id|strip_tags|jrCore_entity_string}]]></description>

Thank you very Much.
updated by @serveion: 12/25/15 10:05:44PM
12/25/15 12:27:24AM
223 posts

Rss Audio Reader Custom

Using Jamroom


i did try that but now am getting other error here is the msg

error on line 42 at column 49: Entity 'eacute' not defined

see attachment for the

i found this on stackoverflow

Your XML file is invalid, as É isn't a default character entity for XML documents.

You should to replace it by É or to correctly encode it.

thank you
Screen Shot 2015-12-25 at 3.27.07 AM.png Screen Shot 2015-12-25 at 3.27.07 AM.png - 17KB

updated by @serveion: 12/25/15 12:34:57AM
12/25/15 12:17:42AM
223 posts

Beta : Profiles - Deleting Profile 500 error Msg

Using Jamroom


Thank you very much,

Merry christmas
12/23/15 08:20:10PM
223 posts

Rss Audio Reader Custom

Using Jamroom

hello @michael

I don't have a custom file.tpl at them moment am testing Feed Module and testing them first. before i create my own,
am learning how jamroom works inside out and testing everything jamroom have to offer,

here is the feed module code:

url where I got the error are the follow

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0">
        {foreach $_items as $item}

{if isset($jrFeed.feed)}
    <div class="title"><h2>{$jrFeed.feed.title}</h2></div>
    <div class="block_content">
        <div class="item" style="height:462px;overflow:auto;">
            {if isset($jrFeed.feed.item)}
                {foreach from=$jrFeed.feed.item item="item"}
                    <div class="normal">
                        <a href="{$}">{$item.title}</a><br>

Thank You
Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 11.16.59 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 11.16.59 PM.png - 148KB

updated by @serveion: 12/23/15 08:23:24PM