Forum Activity for @serveion

04/25/16 05:21:22PM
223 posts

(Bug) jrDeveloper/adminer.php

Using Jamroom

Hello guys i was checking database on jamroom and i found this error


Screen Shot 2016-04-25 at 8.18.53 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-04-25 at 8.18.53 PM.png - 358KB

updated by @serveion: 08/09/16 09:45:20AM
04/25/16 04:11:02PM
223 posts

Getting Profile Information via proxima



I have read something about profile been disable on Proxima.

we would like to get some information

profile id
profile bio
Profile Image
Profile Active

if this is disable how can we enable this, or do we need to to create a separate module for us to get this information?

thank you in advanced
updated by @serveion: 08/10/16 11:38:28PM
03/08/16 07:58:25AM
223 posts

Proxima User details after loging issue.



in this video you can see, the when we try to check user session we get an invalid session response.
Proxima PostMan
02/27/16 07:19:05PM
223 posts

Custom Skin - Form Designer

Design and Skin Customization

ah, hadn't thought of this scenario.

yeah that will happen for those developers who create skins and add new fields to jrModules and try to sale the skin here they will have to add a documentation for member to add those fields manually, or develop skins with any custom fields in form designer but that will limit the creativity of the developer. just a thought this can go to Jamroom Wish List

*This can be a new feature for development tools
-package a skin
and include some type of lines somewhere inside the include.php add jrModule custom fields here for development tools to read and export those fields

If you create an aparna module and add custom form fields to it, you can export that module and the extra fields by checking the "Export Form Designer" checkbox when you export the module via the Developer Tools -> Package Module.

yeah but that option is not available for everyone just for jamroom team, and register developer. i would have to register as a developer to have access to that, and Export jrAparna Form Designer I try that already Click Here For read discussion about this topic
The other option is to export the settings via the database system, but thats a bit more complex.
Databases and me have a deal i don't mess with them and they don't mess with me. lol

updated by @serveion: 02/27/16 07:25:17PM
02/27/16 06:54:20PM
223 posts

blocking some (.TPL) files from directly access.

Using Jamroom


I have a question about smarty files direct access via browser
for example jrFlashblack have a smarty file named,
I was messing around with the skin and try accessing it 
of course this don't have css or any format and only show the information in pure text.

so my question is the following can we add some type of method to the skin or jamroom so we stop people trying to access the smarty files directly.

thank you.
updated by @serveion: 06/16/16 04:38:56PM
02/27/16 03:26:13PM
223 posts

Custom Skin - Form Designer

Design and Skin Customization


This is more like a curiosity for developing new skins and we would like to know if is posible.

*Let say we have developed a new skin and everything is working on development server as it should, but we have added custom fields to some modules, using form designer, to add extra functionality and awesomeness to the skin.
Can we inject those custom fields to the modules when the skin is installed or updated. So when we move the skin to a production server we dont have to make those form designer fields manually.

Thank you
updated by @serveion: 05/31/16 07:20:59AM
02/14/16 12:26:41PM
223 posts

Signup form

Design and Skin Customization


template look beautiful,
any help will be awesome.

yes we are working the web and app part of the project we are keeping most of the design, and adding a few new ones on it, for our business model, as we want to tap to jamroom and make it our core for our product.
JR5 kick some ass, is so powerful and flexible.

thank you for the github url that will help with getting ideas
updated by @serveion: 02/14/16 12:27:50PM
02/14/16 10:39:13AM
223 posts

Signup form

Design and Skin Customization


your post help to structure our signup form,

we have a design done in bootstrap. we are working on adding that to jamroom.
you can see design in the following url.
and the signup page here:
@nmaster88 is doing some changes we will post the code here when we have a complete code for everyone to review

thank you guys, we will update soon.
updated by @serveion: 02/14/16 10:39:51AM
02/13/16 02:48:57PM
223 posts

Signup form

Design and Skin Customization


Let me explain better how our custom skin is setup.
we have covert all html into smarty template files, to math original html page.
we have fix image path and meta header and footer.

1. first page we are going to start is with login page and registration page.

* Login page.
we have a login design the we would like to use, (we out using predesign from site builder )
would like to connect directly to jrUser to login and register.

2. We haven't done a deep integration with Jamroom like others skin, as everything is custom, we are going to work with the modules we need for this specific project.

We are taking one jrModule integration at the time. with out using site builder, because we have specific design we want to use.

That why we would like to know how to user jrUser and FormDesign field with our own signup.tpl.
i don't have a signup.tpl file to compare it too, am having a bit hard time understanding how to do it.
as you can see we need to add the quotas on that registration form.


I have check the compare tool in Jamroom looks awesome, that will help us later on in our project.
I see now we can compare with any of the jrSkin already on the system.
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updated by @serveion: 02/13/16 03:22:11PM
01/30/16 07:55:03PM
223 posts

Jamroom in development mode demo profiles

Using Jamroom


I found it, i think you need to create a profile and add the loader there.

admin/modules/profiles/tools/ on the option Create New profile.

you put your Loader Count there.

Thank you.
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updated by @serveion: 01/30/16 07:56:52PM