Forum Activity for @serveion

05/10/16 12:45:26PM
223 posts

(Bug) jrDeveloper/adminer.php

Using Jamroom


Yes am still investigating, becuase. I have to jamroom installation on the same server, one give me no errors the other dev mode is the one giving me errors so i need to figure out what is different between them,
05/10/16 02:32:58AM
223 posts

Proxima, mp3 streaming,


Error: Offsite media downloads are blocked how can we enable this.
ACP -> Core -> Global Config -> enter "ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS" in the "Allowed Domains" setting and save.

This option is enable,
Screenshot_20160510-053015.jpg Screenshot_20160510-053015.jpg - 179KB
05/09/16 05:45:43PM
223 posts

(Bug) jrDeveloper/adminer.php

Using Jamroom


am still getting the same error
05/09/16 05:34:28PM
223 posts

Proxima, mp3 streaming,


you'll need to use the "download" URL in this case - streaming is not going to work unless you disable play keys, but you should be able to do:
Let me know if that helps.

Error: Offsite media downloads are blocked how can we enable this.
05/09/16 05:18:11PM
223 posts

(Bug) jrDeveloper/adminer.php

Using Jamroom

I've not seen this either - makes me think you're running an old version of PHP. Make sure you're running the latest Developer Tools as well - the latest release will suppress PHP notice's that might come out on PHP 7.

am updating the server to the laters, am getting randoms errors i will see if this fix the problem

thank you
Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 8.22.39 PM.png Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 8.22.39 PM.png - 119KB

updated by @serveion: 05/09/16 05:23:34PM
05/09/16 03:34:04PM
223 posts

Proxima, mp3 streaming,


@brian thank you for your answer.

we are using Aparna module for our promotion.
down bellow is the information we have for our module.
what we would like to know is how we can get the mp3 file the url or how to call it.
we are a bit confuse. using proxima.

"_created": "1459027907"
"_profile_id": "126"
"_updated": "1459027907"
"_user_id": "4"
"promotion_audio_bitrate": "128"
"promotion_audio_extension": "mp3"
"promotion_audio_length": "00:03:04"
"promotion_audio_name": "Tarik - Te Tengo Loquita (The Main Brain).mp3"
"promotion_audio_size": "2959603"
"promotion_audio_smprate": "44100"
"promotion_audio_time": "1459027907"
"promotion_audio_track": "1"
"promotion_audio_type": "audio/mpeg"
"promotion_date": "1490500800"
"promotion_desc": "Hola este es <b>Tarik Main Brain</b> invitandoles a que escuchen mi nuevo single <b>Te Tengo Loquita</b>"
"promotion_expiration": "Enable"
"promotion_image_extension": "png"
"promotion_image_height": "459"
"promotion_image_name": "wow logo bg negro.png"
"promotion_image_size": "15443"
"promotion_image_time": "1459027907"
"promotion_image_type": "image/png"
"promotion_image_width": "422"
"promotion_pending": "0"
"promotion_title": "Tarik - Te Tengo loquita"
"promotion_title_url": "tarik-te-tengo-loquita"
"promotion_youtube": "azhD_ZuxPOI"
"_item_id": "3"

updated by @serveion: 05/09/16 03:39:18PM
05/05/16 07:13:49PM
223 posts

Proxima File (how to use it)



i have a question about proxima file.

how can we use it, how can you request a song or image from the server?

thank you
updated by @serveion: 08/12/16 09:14:43PM
05/04/16 06:38:23AM
223 posts

Proxima, mp3 streaming,



I have a question, about proxima mp3 streaming, and jamroom download.

Here is what am looking at right now, we have mp3 download disable, on jamroom for the website, there is no problem there.

Now on proxima we need mp3 yo be downloaded and streaming to be enable, how can we have the website mp3 disabled but an option on proxima to enable mp3 download,

Thank you.

Jamroom download is disable
updated by @serveion: 08/09/16 07:27:56PM
05/03/16 01:39:10PM
223 posts

Getting Profile Information via proxima


Sorry took me a while to reply,
Yes i have the option enable, so far everything is working good for us, until we hit a wall with profile,

Thank you for your reply