Forum Activity for @serveion

01/14/17 05:22:46PM
223 posts

AUDIO PRO - Gallery Creation Problem

Using Jamroom

OK I need to be clear on what's going on.

You have been running a jr site for a year?
yes for more than a year

If yes, are you just now installing the gallery module or have you been using it for a year?
no i installed that image gallery when i did the fresh install of the of jamroom

Do you have any galleries on your site?
yes i do have another gallery called "general" i dont know if the same name cause this

If you don't, which from the code it looks like maybe you have only one, truncate your gallery tables in the DB. There will be 2. Do you know how to do that?

yes i can post here how the tables looks like.

here is how it looks like when i dump the sql

-- Dumping data for table `jr_jrgallery_item`

INSERT INTO `jr_jrgallery_item` (`_item_id`) VALUES

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `jr_jrgallery_item_key`

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jr_jrgallery_item_key` (
  `_item_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `key` varchar(128) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `index` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `value` varchar(512) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `_profile_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`key`,`_item_id`,`index`),
  KEY `_item_id` (`_item_id`),
  KEY `value` (`value`(128)),
  KEY `_profile_id` (`_profile_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

-- Dumping data for table `jr_jrgallery_item_key`

INSERT INTO `jr_jrgallery_item_key` (`_item_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`, `_profile_id`) VALUES
(1, '_created', 0, '1454343515', 203),
(1, '_profile_id', 0, '203', 203),
(1, '_updated', 0, '1454583316', 203),
(2, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(3, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(4, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(5, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(6, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(7, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(8, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(9, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(10, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(11, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(12, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(13, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(14, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(15, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(16, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(17, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(18, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(19, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(20, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(21, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(22, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(23, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(24, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(25, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(26, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(28, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(29, '_updated', 0, '1465863303', 0),
(1, '_user_id', 0, '1', 203),
(1, 'gallery_image_extension', 0, 'jpg', 203),
(1, 'gallery_image_height', 0, '590', 203),
(1, 'gallery_image_name', 0, 'alex-bueno-2015.jpg', 203),
(1, 'gallery_image_size', 0, '26705', 203),
(1, 'gallery_image_time', 0, '1454343515', 203),
(1, 'gallery_image_type', 0, 'image/jpeg', 203),
(1, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '46', 203),
(2, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '29', 0),
(3, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '35', 0),
(4, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '31', 0),
(5, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '30', 0),
(6, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '32', 0),
(7, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '5', 0),
(8, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '8', 0),
(9, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '12', 0),
(10, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '28', 0),
(11, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '29', 0),
(12, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '26', 0),
(13, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '27', 0),
(14, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '23', 0),
(15, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '10', 0),
(16, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '5', 0),
(17, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '5', 0),
(18, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '5', 0),
(19, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '6', 0),
(20, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '8', 0),
(21, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '6', 0),
(22, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '9', 0),
(23, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '6', 0),
(24, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '6', 0),
(25, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '6', 0),
(26, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '4', 0),
(28, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '2', 0),
(29, 'gallery_image_view_count', 0, '1', 0),
(1, 'gallery_image_width', 0, '800', 203),
(1, 'gallery_order', 0, '1', 203),
(2, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(3, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(4, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(5, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(6, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(7, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(8, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(9, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(10, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(11, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(12, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(13, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(14, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(15, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(16, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(17, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(18, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(19, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(20, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(21, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(22, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(23, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(24, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(25, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(26, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(28, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(29, 'gallery_order', 0, '100', 0),
(1, 'gallery_short_url', 0, 't5Ys2AiG', 203),
(1, 'gallery_title', 0, 'General', 203),
(1, 'gallery_title_url', 0, 'general', 203);

01/14/17 02:42:07PM
223 posts

AUDIO PRO - Gallery Creation Problem

Using Jamroom

Hello @nate

Is not a fresh install i installed more then a year ago
01/14/17 12:57:19PM
223 posts

AUDIO PRO - Gallery Creation Problem

Using Jamroom


so i would have to uninstall image module and reinstall it?
01/14/17 12:47:03PM
223 posts

AUDIO PRO - Gallery Creation Problem

Using Jamroom

That error is saying "The database is setup to only allow me to write unique things to it, but one already exists for what you're trying to create right now, sorry, try again".

It shouldnt happen.

Have you deleted the database for the gallery at all recently?

Try logging out and back in again.

Have you got steps to reproduce that issue?

It shouldnt be happening.

last thing i did update later image gallery module.

1. Created a profile
2. I uploaded some music videos from youtube.
3. i try to upload images to gallery.
4 i added name "general" i upload two images. and click upload then the error show up.

i haven't delete any image gallery module I update it
01/14/17 07:33:16AM
223 posts

AUDIO PRO - Gallery Creation Problem

Using Jamroom

hello @black-eagle

Query Error: Duplicate entry 'gallery_order-5-0' for key 'PRIMARY'


(2017-01-14T09:47:56-05:00.0.63545000 : 0)-(mem: 3.8MB)-(pid: 5693)-(ip: jamroom)-(uri: POST /gallery/create_save/__ajax=1)
    [error] => Query Error: Duplicate entry 'gallery_order-2-0' for key 'PRIMARY'
    [_post] => Array
            [_uri] => /gallery/create_save/__ajax=1
            [jr_html_form_token] => 2ceab2590675d69d173188569c51584d
            [jr_html_form_profile_id] => 255
            [upload_token] => cb676b5a51406186644d6cae1e51795a
            [jroneall_share_to_networks] => off
            [jraction_add_to_timeline] => on
            [gallery_title] => General
            [rocketchatscreenshare] => chrome
            [__cfduid] => db7b9efd6aee1f41351ac8220ca6a23f21482333639
            [jrcore_pager_rows] => 100
            [roundcube_cookies] => enabled
            [_ga] => GA1.2.780432389.1482333651
            [auto16e973d3dbb5] => 1-42199fe90bf67b1132245d0038ddaa07
            [__unam] => 6d6cd6f-15951887563-7ee4d85c-218
            [sess16e973d3dbb5] => 81817e301e3f4e27270519ebae3ed655
            [jr_location_url] =>
            [module_url] => gallery
            [module] => jrGallery
            [option] => create_save
            [__ajax] => 1

    [query] => /* [domain]:/gallery/create_save/__ajax=1 */ INSERT INTO jr_jrgallery_item_key (`_item_id`,`_profile_id`,`key`,`index`,`value`) VALUES (2,255,'gallery_title','0','General'),(2,255,'gallery_title_url','0','general'),(2,255,'gallery_order','0','1'),(2,255,'_created','0',UNIX_TIMESTAMP()),(2,255,'_updated','0',UNIX_TIMESTAMP()),(2,255,'_profile_id','0','255'),(2,255,'_user_id','0','1'),(2,255,'gallery_pending','0','0')
01/14/17 07:04:48AM
223 posts

AUDIO PRO - Gallery Creation Problem

Using Jamroom

hello @nate

yes I did run integrity check
01/14/17 06:51:12AM
223 posts

AUDIO PRO - Gallery Creation Problem

Using Jamroom


every time i try to create a gallery this notice show up.

Unable to create the gallery images in the database - please try again.
Screen Shot 2017-01-14 at 9.50.42 AM.png Screen Shot 2017-01-14 at 9.50.42 AM.png - 61KB

updated by @serveion: 04/17/17 12:35:43AM
01/07/17 12:15:06PM
223 posts

Audio - SoundCloud (Audio Combined) Bug

Using Jamroom


I'm checking the Audio Pro skin. I found something the is not working properly just wanted to check
for example. on the (onsale area) i have multiple songs some using audio module some using soundcloud module
when user click on the soundcloud song send me to this url (this url is not found because the song is not on the audio module.)
this is the Soundcloud url

you can go to the page and check in front of the page. i have attach the cover for the song so you know where to click

thank you
Screen Shot 2017-01-07 at 3.10.46 PM.png Screen Shot 2017-01-07 at 3.10.46 PM.png - 60KB

updated by @serveion: 04/11/17 12:06:53AM
01/06/17 05:48:18PM
223 posts

Aparna - Audio Module - Song ID Link.


Hello JR Team

While i was creating a module with Aparna.
I was thinking about it would be cool if in the FormDesigner
we can have multiple option to have an audio on the form
let me explain. let say the I want to create an article for an artist we have in our system. and we want to add the song we promoting. we create an form field called audio. here is where the Multi Audio featured will be awesome.
1. upload audio file.
2. Audio ID (test area) so we can get an audio id from audio module. so we don't upload the a duplicated file from the computer

Same with Video and other awesome modules you guys have.

PS: I haven't check the new updates on Aparna i don't know if this option is there.

thank you again
updated by @serveion: 04/07/17 10:07:48PM