Users Online tab has stopped listing visitors online
Installation and Configuration
I do see something similar (jrUser 2.1.3) - only one visitor is ever shown, even when there are many current visitors in the jr_jruser_session table
I think this is where that bug can be found: function _jrUser_mysql_session_online_user_info()
In jrUser 2.1.3 this line changed:
$_rt = jrCore_db_query($req, 'session_user_id');
If I change that to 'session_user_ip' all of the not logged in visitors are shown in the ACP dashboard users online.
Note: That might mess with view_jrDeveloper_reset_system_save() where that function is also run (and relies on the key being the user id).
updated by @ultrajam: 04/20/17 04:01:21AM