Forum Activity for @ultrajam

02/03/18 05:34:38PM
2,584 posts

new server (very fast) still some issues remain

Installation and Configuration

It isn't really possible to help. Your issues are unique to your server (did you ever manage to get back in touch with the server guy who set that up for you?) and so are impossible to test against.

No matter though, you always seem to manage to get there in the end and post your serial successes here. Well done!
02/03/18 05:27:18PM
2,584 posts

new server (very fast) still some issues remain

Installation and Configuration

Glad you've got your personal server problems sorted (for a day or two, probably).
02/03/18 05:22:12PM
2,584 posts

Items Rating-How to block a bot

Design and Skin Customization

If not logged in users can rate, bots (and everyone else) can rate anything as "1" unless you can ban their IP address one by one.

I guess you could write a custom module to make any "1" rating a "2", or to not count it at all. But does that really make sense? Do you know of any other websites which allow ratings by not logged in users?
02/03/18 05:16:00PM
2,584 posts

new server (very fast) still some issues remain

Installation and Configuration

derrickhand300:hahahaha ME?
No, not you. I meant @soaringeagle

Easy mistake to make though, you do both have similar interests. But Soaring takes it to an entirely different altitude, must be said.
02/03/18 01:14:36PM
2,584 posts

new server (very fast) still some issues remain

Installation and Configuration

Not another "Very very very fast but doesn't work at all" server, is it?

You are so unlucky with your servers!
02/03/18 01:11:21PM
2,584 posts

Items Rating-How to block a bot

Design and Skin Customization

Just ban the specific IP address, not a range of addresses.

Why not close their account or stop them from rating? Or do you allow unlogged in users to rate items?
02/03/18 08:36:49AM
2,584 posts

Email validation for new members, an incomplete error message, and incomplete activation link message

Using Jamroom

researchcooperative:I don't see any alternative to manually either deleting inactive profiles, or shifting them into a quota in which profiles are private - until manually reset to be globally visible. If I delete them, there is zero chance of reincarnation.
Filter them out of your jrCore_list calls.

If you don't want to list profiles which haven't entered a website:
search3="profile_website like _%"

If you don't want to list profiles which haven't been updated in the past year, something like:
{$updated_time = $ - 31536000}
Then in your jrCore_list:
search4="_updated > `$updated_time`"
02/02/18 03:51:51PM
2,584 posts

Email validation for new members, an incomplete error message, and incomplete activation link message

Using Jamroom

Strumelia:all the more reason to simply delete very old blank profile members who have not logged in for years.
researchcooperative:Deleting the sleeping ancients is probably the first thing I should be doing.

I bet you both spend hours a week deleting old emails, amending your xmas card list, and tidying up your 2GB hard drive!!!

Why do you want to delete inactive members? They are inactive, nobody sees them.
02/02/18 03:51:03AM
2,584 posts

Can the number of allowed profiles be 1 while the number of allowed quotas is 2?

Using Jamroom

Give it a try!

Nothing will be lost. If you have a profile with blog posts which gets moved to a quota where blog posts are not allowed the blog features are removed but the posts remain in the database. You can then try out moving the profile back to a quota which allows blogs - the posts will reappear.
02/01/18 05:46:09PM
2,584 posts

Can the number of allowed profiles be 1 while the number of allowed quotas is 2?

Using Jamroom

It’s the same profile, only the quota changes. That gives the profile different capabilities and features. Read the beginners guide to profiles and quotas in the docs.