Forum Activity for @ultrajam

04/04/15 01:29:57PM
2,584 posts

Lifestreams - Twitter


Are you using a comma list of ids for $_conf.ujLifeStreams_index_profile_id ?
04/04/15 01:28:05PM
2,584 posts

Lifestreams - Twitter


Ok, I'll have to set up a similar test case - I haven't tried it in an index page for a long time. It might take a few days because of the holiday, I'll post back here when I've checked it out.
04/04/15 12:18:46PM
2,584 posts

Lifestreams - Twitter


When you put {debug} into your template, do you see a value for $_conf.ujLifeStreams_index_profile_id ?

If $_conf.ujLifeStreams_index_profile_id is a number or a comma separated list of numbers, what do you see when you put just this in your template?:
{jrCore_module_function function="ujLifeStreams_display" profile_id=$_conf.ujLifeStreams_index_profile_id limit=3 filters=true actions_mode="site"}
04/03/15 07:07:02AM
2,584 posts

Adding an RSS feed from my own site into an activity page on my own site

Design and Skin Customization

Rss is more for bringing feeds in from other sites. Use jrCore_list for displaying things from your site.

jrCore_list is the first thing to learn:
It's not complicated although it can do a lot once you start using search parameters and custom templates with it.

This will list all the audio files on the site:
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio"}
This will list all the audio files from the profile:
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" profile_id=$_profile_id}
This will list up to 10 audio files from the profile:
{jrCore_list module="jrAudio" profile_id=$_profile_id limit=10}

To get that list to appear on your site you need to add the code to a template, which you can do under the templates tab in your skin or each module depending on which template you wnat to add it to.

It will help if you spend a little time to learn some basic css, html and jQuery. But even without that you can customize a lot.

Try something out, see what results you get, then try it out again and get better results. If you break something you can just restore the template (button in the ACP) and try it again.
04/02/15 03:17:08PM
2,584 posts

Lifestream pictures from post on twitter.


No, it doesn't bring in media from twitter or the other services, just a text notification. That's not a Jamroom thing, just the way that Lifestream works: Lightweight and sustainable mixing of activity across many diverse services displayed in a uniform fashion.

I think that from what you've described, you need a twitter module. But I'm not really someone to make that as I don't regularly use twitter and so wouldn't be able to do it justice (i.e. keep it up to date and use all of the features that twitter offers).
04/02/15 07:59:19AM
2,584 posts

Adding an RSS feed from my own site into an activity page on my own site

Design and Skin Customization

Read on down that page (below the video) and it tells you how to do this (nothing to do with css). You just put {jrFeed_list name="your_feed_name"} wherever you want it to appear.
04/01/15 08:37:24AM
2,584 posts

trouble with all skin images (title updates)

Ning To Jamroom

I don't have the same issues.
04/01/15 07:57:47AM
2,584 posts

trouble with all skin images (title updates)

Ning To Jamroom

Didn't you say previously that you had done something weird with symlinking your images to another directory? Have you checked this on a site which doesn't have that customisation?
04/01/15 07:54:37AM
2,584 posts

How to use the text editor? It looks like WYSIWYG but does not behave that way

Using Jamroom

I don't really understand what you mean. Is the "widget" the tinyMCE editor?
04/01/15 07:16:26AM
2,584 posts

How to use the text editor? It looks like WYSIWYG but does not behave that way

Using Jamroom

Use shift-return to get a single break rather than a new paragraph.

Don't paste from word or powerpoint. Copy your text into a plain text editor, and then copy and paste again into the editor.