Forum Activity for @ultrajam

04/20/15 08:14:10AM
2,584 posts

Error Code after Update


When do you get that error Ken?
04/20/15 08:12:53AM
2,584 posts

Modules broken after updating jrEmbed

Jamroom Developers

It looks like in the last batch of updates the entire tinymce popup system has been replaced with the sitebuilder widget system.

This breaks any 3rd party modules using the tinymce code.

It would be good to be given some advance notice of changes like this where working code is removed from all modules and replaced with something completely different.
updated by @ultrajam: 05/22/15 11:39:09AM
04/20/15 04:27:25AM
2,584 posts

latest Update to jrEmbed broke


Thanks for letting me know Gary. I'll try to check this out this evening.

Looks like there have been updates to all modules using the editor for embedding.

Can you let me know what issues you have seen?

04/20/15 03:28:00AM
2,584 posts

Format for usernames


Yes I am, are you?
04/19/15 03:56:45PM
2,584 posts

Qustion about what type of site content is allowed on Jamroom hosting

Jamroom Hosting

This thread was more coy until you said that Zachary. You can probably jsut read the licenses, feel the vibe, watch the flow, etc.

It's people who will judge you by your content, not software.

Zachary Moonshine:
so basically porn is ok as long as it not illegal nasty stuff ?

What kind of validation are you asking for?
04/18/15 01:16:43PM
2,584 posts

User ID Question For Cometchat

Design and Skin Customization

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:jqcc.cometchat.chatWith('profile_id={$_profile_id}');">Chat with me</a>
I'm not using cometchat, but if this is for in a template try the above code.

You need the smarty brackets around the smarty variable {$_profile_id} in order for it to print.

It will be printed into the javascript in the html page as a number. The javascript then runs once the page is loaded into the browser.
04/16/15 11:59:45AM
2,584 posts

New Videos Not Showing Up In Video Lists

Design and Skin Customization

You could try require_image="video_image,youtube_image,vimeo_image" but it isn't mentioned here:
04/16/15 11:55:37AM
2,584 posts

New Videos Not Showing Up In Video Lists

Design and Skin Customization

Maybe take out require_image="video_image" and you will find them again.
updated by @ultrajam: 04/16/15 11:56:01AM
04/15/15 03:51:45AM
2,584 posts

graph support docs

Using Jamroom

They have a json response:

Is the data you want in the text file also in that json?
04/14/15 05:14:36AM
2,584 posts

Adding anchor text to html

Design and Skin Customization

Not sure if still uses scrollintoview, but there is a scroll to top article here: