Forum Activity for @ultrajam

05/01/15 08:58:34AM
2,584 posts

Updates Causing Issues?


First thing to check is that your form designer maps fields are named *_googlemaps , so blog_googlemaps, event_googlemaps, etc.

For events, it looks possible that you might be exceeding google's call limits, so you need to add your api key in the googlemaps config - follow the instructions on the api docs page here:
updated by @ultrajam: 05/01/15 08:59:17AM
05/01/15 07:37:01AM
2,584 posts

Updates Causing Issues?


How are you getting the mappable data into the page Ken? Is it a form designer field on the page or are you using the popup window in the tinymce editor?

There is no js error as there is no sign of googlemaps anywhere in that pages source code - no containing div, no link to the map scripts, no javascript written to the page.

Do you have a link to an events page which is supposed to show a map?
04/30/15 12:32:14AM
2,584 posts

Updates Causing Issues?


The missing lightbox file is nothing to do with googlemaps.

You can use the web console in chrome to see any js errors. Open the console, then reload the page.

So the maps are working everywhere except on your events? Or do you see no map on pages and blogs as well?
updated by @ultrajam: 04/30/15 12:33:01AM
04/29/15 04:22:47PM
2,584 posts

Updates Causing Issues?


Hi Ken,

Do you get a javascript error in your browser console?

Where is the broken map? Is it in the form, on a profile, in a page template, or embedded using the editor?

04/28/15 05:52:07AM
2,584 posts

change Language and sort the menu


There is a section on language support in the docs
Did you try translating jrActions?

It is not possible to sort the menu but you can make a menu manually by overriding the module templates in the skin directory.

I can look into hiding the buttons for the next update.

Instagram requires authentication to list the image names which this module will never do. If they produce a feed which doesn't require auth then it may be possible.

updated by @ultrajam: 04/29/15 04:17:23AM
04/25/15 09:34:26AM
2,584 posts

Intermittent error storing gallery map data


It will take a few days, but I'm going to fix that in the next update of the module, so you will be good with both ' and "
04/25/15 08:58:17AM
2,584 posts

Intermittent error storing gallery map data


OK! If you don't use " in your titles you can allow for the apostrophes by fixing this up in the googlemaps template map_display.tpl for now.

var marker = createMarker(point,'{$point_data.html}');
var marker = createMarker(point,"{$point_data.html}");
04/25/15 07:59:47AM
2,584 posts

Intermittent error storing gallery map data


So gallery_googlemaps_lat shows a value on the modify image form in jrGallery, but it doesn't have a value in the datastore browser?

On the aston page you link to there is a javascript error caused by this:
var marker = createMarker(point,'Images from 'The Making of Birmingham...', c. 1897');
Is Images from 'The Making of Birmingham...', c. 1897 the title of the image? If so, can you try changing the title removing the apostrophes. See if the map then appears for that item.

04/25/15 04:38:54AM
2,584 posts

_init() doesn't need 'editor_button'


Thanks Michael, that's fixed in v1.0.5
04/23/15 07:33:04AM
2,584 posts

Who determines when a profile is active or not active? (and related questions)

Using Jamroom

Why don't you try signing up to your own system? At least you would then know how your system works when handling signups.