Forum Activity for @ultrajam

06/04/15 08:10:35AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE tables adds line breaks

Using Jamroom

With the h1 - h6 tags removed the table is output ok, but with one br per table cell inserted before the opening table tag. So the result is a large white space before each table.
06/04/15 08:00:22AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE tables adds line breaks

Using Jamroom

Yes, the table looks a bit like that like that. The br tags are inserted before the opening table tag though rather than as part of the table. It also contains h4 tags which have line breaks inserted before and after each one as well.

If I blacklist nl2br for all the text areas in the site, do you know what that is likely to do to the rest of the formatting of the tinymce input (ie things other than tables)?

The forum here wont let me post the output table code - looks like br tags are not allowed.


updated by @ultrajam: 06/04/15 08:06:13AM
06/01/15 04:17:06AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE tables adds line breaks

Using Jamroom

When creating tables in TinyMCE they look fine in the editor window, but on the front end many line breaks are inserted both before the opening table tag and within the table cells.

Does anyone else see this happening?

Reference to this:

updated by @ultrajam: 07/08/15 08:27:43AM
05/12/15 08:59:22AM
2,584 posts

Display Address in text form


Ok that should be fairly straightforward. If you have an $_items array for the shows the profile is attending you can pass that into the maps function something like this:
{if isset($_items)}
{ujGoogleMaps_map name="multimap" map=$_items module="jrEvent" height="300"}
You can try using your module rather than jrEvent if that is where the map data is stored.
05/11/15 07:03:57AM
2,584 posts

Updates Causing Issues?


Try again now Ken
05/11/15 07:03:03AM
2,584 posts

Display Address in text form


I can't take on any additional work at the moment, sorry.

Take a look at the multi-item map here:
But you are going to be mapping the reverse of that, so it will probably be a fair bit more complicated to do.

Do you have the list of the events a member is attending working already?
05/09/15 04:35:24PM
2,584 posts

Privacy for Under 18s


I'm under 18.
05/08/15 02:32:36AM
2,584 posts

Audio not working on iPhone

Using Jamroom

Working here on an iphone 3gs (iOS 6)
05/08/15 02:17:34AM
2,584 posts

Display Address in text form


Yes, all of the address and location information is stored in fields for the item.

The address entered is available using {$event_googlemaps}

If you need more detail about the location put {debug} into your template to see the full range of information available (locality, country, natural feature, accuracy level, etc).
05/08/15 02:07:56AM
2,584 posts

Updates Causing Issues?


Ken Rich:
Hmmmmm - I'm not sure we are understanding each other correctly. On blogs and pages the maps have ALWAYS been placed with the embed tool and a form designer entry has NEVER been necessary.

In fact, what would be the use of having an embed tool for maps, if they were already done by form fields?
Form fields are the best way of adding maps to an item as the geocoding is done only once when the item form is saved. They were the only way that the module worked until recently (Version 1.0.4) when jrEmbed support was added.

Have you followed Google's instructions to enable the v3 api?
Can you confirm that you have done that so that your Google account is using the current api.

You can send your login details, but I'm not going to be able to log in and take a look until next week, so probably best to send that after the weekend.