Forum Activity for @ultrajam

08/06/15 08:32:23AM
2,584 posts



Lifestreams doesn't post to any type of account.

It reads and mixes feeds from your social accounts.
08/06/15 05:04:54AM
2,584 posts

links in emails from Jamroom Support missing links now

Using Jamroom

I've just updated to 1.6.1 but the view link is still missing in New Reply notifications.
08/06/15 01:03:17AM
2,584 posts

jrGoogleAnalytics won't enable in ACP

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael and Brian, it was indeed the ad blocker.
08/05/15 11:26:54AM
2,584 posts

jrTracker update item shows wrong profile's tracker owners in dropdown

Using Jamroom

I see this on my profile tracker as well.

When I update an item the tracker owner dropdown offers me brian, michael, douglas, paul, unassigned.

The tracker project dropdown offers me The Jamroom Network, Genosis, Proxima, etc
08/05/15 03:09:35AM
2,584 posts

jrGoogleAnalytics won't enable in ACP

Using Jamroom

The module seems fine on localhost.

I have enabled the module using the database (I now cannot disable it from the ACP).

Maybe the enable/disable problem is something to do with this:
When I try to save the config tab of the module I get
Quote: You have entered an invalid value for "domain" - value must be a valid domain name (no www)
The domain is
08/04/15 08:22:21AM
2,584 posts

jrGoogleAnalytics won't enable in ACP

Using Jamroom

Trying to enable the jrGoogleAnalytics module, but it will not enable when I set the module to active and save changes.

I can successfully reload the module from the marketplace, but still cannot enable it.

There are no error messages, and nothing in the logs to indicate anything wrong. Other modules I have tried seem to enable and disable just fine.
updated by @ultrajam: 09/06/15 10:53:19PM
08/03/15 10:32:27AM
2,584 posts

jrAdminSkin module views

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael :)
08/02/15 08:51:58AM
2,584 posts

PHP Fatal error: Cannot set directive after finalization

Jamroom Developers

Thanks Michael, try this:

This will work with Allowed HTML Tags (blockquote,blockquote.class,,cite,cite.title,footer)

In util.php jrCore_strip_html around line 1571 add this additional code after the line $def->addAttribute('a', 'data-lightbox', 'Text');:
// ------- additional code -------                    
// comment out unset($_att); on line 1559 in order for this to work
foreach ($_att as $attr) {
    if (!strpos($attr, ',')) { // ignore jamrooms lists of element.attributes defined above
        list($element,$attribute) = explode('.', $attr);
        $def->addAttribute($element, $attribute, 'Text'); // add to HTML Definition
// ------- end additional code -------  

NOTE: Comment out unset($_att); on line 1559 - we need that array in order for this to work.

Obviously that doesnt take into account anything added by the trigger listeners, but it works perfectly with the elements and attributes added to the quota Allowed HTML Tags (as far as I have tested).
updated by @ultrajam: 08/02/15 08:52:17AM
07/31/15 07:20:27AM
2,584 posts

jrTracker update item shows wrong profile's tracker owners in dropdown

Using Jamroom

I have a tracker set up on my profile, I am the only one who posts to it.

I had no problems over the past few months, but now when I update a tracker item I see two other users and unassigned in the Tracker Owner dropdown. I am still the owner of the item though (I can see that in the list view) until I save it.

The dropdown shows the correct owners in the create form (Steve, unassigned) but not in the update form (Tom, Ludo, unassigned).

Tom and Ludo don't have a tracker on their quota.
updated by @ultrajam: 09/09/15 01:48:52PM