Forum Activity for @ultrajam

09/01/15 05:13:03AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE linebreaks

Using Jamroom

The line breaks are also added inside a blockquote.
09/01/15 04:55:57AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE linebreaks

Using Jamroom

Using TinyMCE I see line breaks added both inside and after a div.

So this:
<div class="alert alert-success">
<p><strong>Correct paraphrase</strong></p>
<p>The research process is a way of ordering ideas and is used in the assessment of knowledge. (Schneider, 2013 p. 21)</p>
<p><span class="label label-success">Not plagiarism: </span> &nbsp; The language is fully rewritten and a citation is provided. A page reference in the in-text citation is not needed unless you are including a direct quotation.</p>

becomes this:

<div class="alert alert-success">
<p><strong>Correct paraphrase</strong></p>
<p>The research process is a way of ordering ideas and is used in the assessment of knowledge. (Schneider, 2013 p. 21)</p>
<p><span class="label label-success">Not plagiarism: </span> &nbsp; The language is fully rewritten and a citation is provided. A page reference in the in-text citation is not needed unless you are including a direct quotation.</p>
My guess is that a line break right inside a div isn't the intention or needed.

updated by @ultrajam: 10/04/15 06:23:51AM
08/17/15 06:55:50AM
2,584 posts

Images on private profile

Jamroom Developers

I have a private profile. It has 3 owners, two on a member quota and one on an admin quota (me) who is also master admin.

In a custom module, some images do not appear to the owners (or myself as an admin-owner) whilst the profile is private (the grey question mark is shown) but then are displayed when the profile is made public.

Module images will appear on a private profile if there is a _v number appended to the url. So this works with background images but not with anything displayed through jrImage_display or through jrCore_module_function.

This works as an inline style:
background: url("{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/image/micro_image/{$_item_id}/xxxlarge/_v={$_updated}")

But this does not:
{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="ujMicroSite" type="micro_image" item_id=$_item_id size="xlarge"}
Nor when called through jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display"
{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="ujMicroSite" type="micro_image" item_id=$_item_id size="large" alt=$micro_title width=false height=false class="iloutline img_shadow" style="margin-left:12px;margin-bottom:12px;"}

How can I add the _v version via the jrImage module function? Or should it be doing that already?

Thanks !
updated by @ultrajam: 01/25/16 06:58:11AM
08/12/15 12:59:09PM
2,584 posts

links in emails from Jamroom Support missing links now

Using Jamroom

Works perfectly :)

Thanks Michael and Brian.
08/11/15 06:13:15AM
2,584 posts

links in emails from Jamroom Support missing links now

Using Jamroom

Its just the link which is missing, the rest is fine. The New Topic email is fine as well.

Quote: [] New Reply: Screenshot section unreliable

Quote: A forum topic you are following has been updated:

user: demouser2
post: Screenshot section unreliable


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08/10/15 05:54:31PM
2,584 posts

links in emails from Jamroom Support missing links now

Using Jamroom

Thanks strumelia, that's a little clearer.

When you install jamroom and then jrForum, do you receive email notifications where the link works?
updated by @ultrajam: 08/10/15 05:55:13PM
08/10/15 02:56:25PM
2,584 posts

links in emails from Jamroom Support missing links now

Using Jamroom

Is that seriously what your forum url looks like?
updated by @ultrajam: 08/10/15 02:56:54PM
08/10/15 02:52:36PM
2,584 posts

links in emails from Jamroom Support missing links now

Using Jamroom

Just to help compare notes-
I am still on jrForum 1.6.0 (have not updated to 1.6.1 yet) and it seems to be working fine for me- just got this email notif yesterday:

A forum topic you are following has been updated:

user: Mr. Phil Mcdaniel
post: Image attachments now available in forum and comment posting.
view: http:...// etc URL, which does take me to the new post correctly.

So on 1.6.0 --as of July 31 until now-- I was getting the proper email links showing, and you were not, Ultrajam?

P.S. also- I'm getting the correct emailed links when being notified of new posts in GROUP Discussions as well...just got a couple now that work properly when I click them.

I'm not really sure what you are asking for strumelia. What are group discussions? Is that a ning thing?

Do you see the link in emails on a standard install of jrForum? Or not?
08/10/15 02:14:46PM
2,584 posts

Replacing Upload interface

Jamroom Developers

The existing one probably does drag and drop, I remember spending a while trying to get rid of the css dropzone in an alternate skin a few months back.
08/10/15 02:12:03PM
2,584 posts

Profile views, followers and following

Design and Skin Customization

amwproductions:and the following not counts upper than 10

amwproductions:i use this counts only 11 not more?

So it is going up then?