Forum Activity for @ultrajam

09/14/15 07:36:25AM
2,584 posts


Jamroom Developers

What is jrCore_checktype_json supposed to be checking for? It returns true for a number, or an array, or true/false.

updated by @ultrajam: 11/06/15 07:09:49AM
09/14/15 07:26:54AM
2,584 posts

Allowed HTML tags fail validation on shared profile

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael, thanks but that's not possible at the moment.

I'll have to get back to this in a few days time, meantime I can make all authors admins on a temporary basis.
09/09/15 02:04:51AM
2,584 posts

Allowed HTML tags fail validation on shared profile

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael, its the latter - Beth can create and update new items with italics on the linked profile, but cannot update existing items with italics. She can update those existing items if italics are removed.

09/08/15 08:02:33AM
2,584 posts

Allowed HTML tags fail validation on shared profile

Using Jamroom

Yes, that's correct, although its on a custom module rather than the forum.

The allowed html tags (and all other quota settings) are the same for Beth's quota and the linked profile's quota.

It seems Beth can add italics to a new item she creates on the linked profile and then update it, but cannot update an item which already exists on the linked profile (created by another user).
updated by @ultrajam: 09/08/15 08:03:07AM
09/08/15 01:15:53AM
2,584 posts

Allowed HTML tags fail validation on shared profile

Using Jamroom

Beth can create and update items which have tags such as i and em in on her profile.

But she gets an error when saving html in a textarea on a profile (on a different quota) she has been added to as an additional profile owner.

Both the quotas have identical settings for the allowed html tags, and Beth is able to edit both profiles, but html validation fails.

Html tags will save if I change Beth to a Master admin, but fails when I change her back to a Profile admin or a Standard user.

Has anyone else seen anything like this happening? Or any ideas as to why?

updated by @ultrajam: 10/14/15 08:59:55PM
09/05/15 02:06:34PM
2,584 posts

Updating Discussion and Timing out Comments

Using Jamroom

Go to your forum, click on the Settings tab, set "forum auto lock" to a limited number of days.
09/04/15 01:57:18AM
2,584 posts

jrSearch page jumper breaks

Using Jamroom

Thanks Douglas :)
09/03/15 09:21:04AM
2,584 posts

jrSearch page jumper breaks

Using Jamroom

When a search results are from a single module and there is more than one page of results, the prev/next arrows work perfectly but the select dropdown page jumper is broken.

I see this on my site and also here on

Take this result:

Use the pagination arrows and all is well, but try using the select dropdown to change page.
updated by @ultrajam: 10/05/15 09:31:44PM
09/03/15 05:21:04AM
2,584 posts

Elastic LinkedIn button wrong url

Using Jamroom

The jrElastic footer.tpl contains code for a button to take you to a linkedin profile:{$_conf.jrElastic_linkedin_name}
But that always end in a 404 on linkedin.

The format working for us is this:{$_conf.jrElastic_linkedin_name}
But that is only valid if the linkedin profile has created a custom profile url. Otherwise the format would be something like this:

updated by @ultrajam: 10/04/15 12:31:00AM
09/03/15 04:07:03AM
2,584 posts

Icons changed on

Using Jamroom

They have reverted to the correct icons now, but here is a screenshot of this occurring on today.
icons-changed.jpg icons-changed.jpg - 45KB

updated by @ultrajam: 10/05/15 08:44:04PM