Forum Activity for @ultrajam

10/25/15 04:52:01AM
2,584 posts

Add to Pending when a specific field changes

Jamroom Developers

I'd like to add specific item updates to the pending queue, just wondering if pending support for a module can already do this.

The items are not using the pending functionality, but if the title of the item changes admin needs to approve that change before it takes effect. Changing the title can have its own form i.e. the title field does not appear on the update item form but on a separate "Change Title" form.

The item should remain visible and the owner should still be able to update the item whilst the title change is in the pending queue.

Is there a way of handling this using the core pending support?

Thanks :)
updated by @ultrajam: 02/03/16 07:34:16PM
10/24/15 03:36:55AM
2,584 posts

Admin Skin switches on different pages

Using Jamroom

Not really, that's all there is - activate the admin skin module and use a different skin for "set as active admin skin"

Developer mode makes no difference, which skins makes no difference, disabling all but the core modules makes no difference.

It happens on all sites that I have.

Theres this from the error log, appears in the error log on all my sites.
[21-Oct-2015 15:22:02 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: _1 in /Applications/AMPPS/www/ on line 163
[21-Oct-2015 15:22:02 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: _1 in /Applications/AMPPS/www/ on line 163
[21-Oct-2015 15:22:02 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: skin in /Applications/AMPPS/www/ on line 179
[21-Oct-2015 15:22:02 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: skin in /Applications/AMPPS/www/ on line 207
10/21/15 03:37:19AM
2,584 posts

Admin Skin switches on different pages

Using Jamroom

When I look at the debug log I see a different skin than when I look at the activity log.

I have Admin Skin activated and set to use Elastic as the admin skin which it does when looking at the activity log, but not the debug log.
updated by @ultrajam: 02/17/16 07:29:43AM
10/20/15 10:00:45AM
2,584 posts

css minifier breaks with a particular rule

Design and Skin Customization

I have some print styles in my css, but the minifier doesn't cope with the first rule which causes a little chaos.

The style is this:
@media print {
  *:after {
    color: #000 !important;
    text-shadow: none !important;
    background: transparent !important;
    -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
            box-shadow: none !important;
Which after minification ends up as this:
@media print {color: #000 !important;text-shadow: none !important;background: transparent !important;-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;box-shadow: none !important;}

After some investigation it seems that the print styles themselves are fine, the others work, but the following style from Twitter Bootstrap is broken by the minifier which in my case breaks the surrounding print style:
  *:after {
    color: #000 !important;
    text-shadow: none !important;
    background: transparent !important;
    -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;
            box-shadow: none !important;

updated by @ultrajam: 01/21/16 03:54:14PM
10/05/15 02:01:41PM
2,584 posts

embedded Vimeo vids crashing new Firefox on windows...anyone else?

Off Topic

I mainly use chrome as my "not logged in" testing browser :)
09/17/15 02:15:42AM
2,584 posts

Images on a private profile

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael :) and happy travels!
09/17/15 02:13:52AM
2,584 posts


Jamroom Developers

Thanks Michael :)
09/16/15 08:09:12AM
2,584 posts

Images on a private profile

Using Jamroom

Could someone explain how I can get images to show on a private profile please.

The images are generated correctly and all the right info is there in the database.

Should I be appending _v= to all images or does the display image function take care of that?

Or should emptying the image cache take care of it?

updated by @ultrajam: 01/17/16 02:15:42PM