Forum Activity for @ultrajam

11/17/15 11:20:03AM
2,584 posts

Admin Skin switches on different pages

Using Jamroom

That sounds good.

Thanks Brian :)
11/17/15 02:18:54AM
2,584 posts

Admin Skin switches on different pages

Using Jamroom

Thanks Brian. Then maybe admin should see the profile template when creating as well. It's very jarring having the skin change on you in the middle of the ACP.
11/15/15 05:48:02AM
2,584 posts

Admin Skin switches on different pages

Using Jamroom

Thanks, That's now looking good when viewing logs.

I have another skin switch though (when logged in as admin or profile admin):
Updating a profile ( /profile/settings/profile_id=3/id=3 )
shows a different skin than when creating a profile ( /profile/create )

updated by @ultrajam: 11/15/15 06:02:47AM
11/14/15 08:26:02AM
2,584 posts

(5.3 Beta) Modify template

Using Jamroom

Ok, that makes sense :)
11/14/15 06:50:51AM
2,584 posts

(Beta 5.3) Blog image file upload button in Safari

Using Jamroom

Using Safari Version 9.0.1 (11601.2.7.2), the blog image upload select button is badly sized.

.upload_button { min-height: unset; } isn't being applied. Looks fine in Firefox though.
blog-list-image-button-in-safari.png blog-list-image-button-in-safari.png - 126KB

updated by @ultrajam: 02/19/16 11:03:47PM
11/14/15 06:40:08AM
2,584 posts

(Beta 5.3) Empty item in TinyMCE menu

Using Jamroom

This is soooo minor :)

With the default settings this part in form_editor.tpl produces an extra space in the TinyMCE buttons bar.
 | {if $hr} hr{/if}{if $sub && $sup} | sub sup {/if} | 

hr, sub and sup are allowed in the Allowed HTML tags by default, but the buttons don't appear.
updated by @ultrajam: 02/19/16 08:21:04AM
11/14/15 01:53:47AM
2,584 posts



patriaco is a private profile so I can't take a look.

I have checked this out on a beta 5.3 install and it works fine with a twitter username. Try putting jamroom as the username, you should see the tweets appear in your lifestream.

Make sure that your tweets are not privacy protected:
11/13/15 05:12:41PM
2,584 posts

Error Code on Embed Media Module

Using Jamroom

I can reproduce this on a fresh beta 5.3 installation with only jrDeveloper, jrEmbed and jrUpimg additional modules installed.

I previously posted about seeing this error here:

Bare bones clean beta 5.3 installation.
Add and enable the jrDeveloper, jrEmbed and jrUpimg modules. Allow on the example quota.
Visit the admin blog, edit the blog post, click the Embed Local Media button.
The modal opens with a single upload image tab showing the error:
{"notices":[{"type":"error","text":"invalid module"}]}

I can fix this by going to and clicking save, after which the upload image tab shows without an error. :)
11/13/15 03:13:39PM
2,584 posts

(5.3 Beta) Modify template

Using Jamroom

When clicking on Modify Template in the ACP, the accordion menu on the left disappears.

It reappears when you click on another tab though.
updated by @ultrajam: 02/17/16 08:28:32PM
11/11/15 04:26:30PM
2,584 posts

Jamroom 5.3 Beta Kickoff


They can 'see' both javascript and iframes.