Forum Activity for @ultrajam

02/22/16 11:42:31AM
2,584 posts

In need of some jrCore_download_file advice

Jamroom Developers

In my module, I need to update the item image (pie chart) when specific item fields change.

I am doing that by calling an update_piechart function which then calls a view using jrCore_download_file. The view returns the new image which is then saved to the item.

But (unless I have a browser tab open with the image-making view) the $_user data is not available in that view - I am not logged in.

Should I be able to see the $_user data for the logged in user there?

I tried checking using flags, but they are also not available in that view. Are flags deleted when a new view is called?

I'm coping with that by updating the item before using jrCore_download_file, then checking that the item has just been updated in the view producing the image, but that doesn't feel quite right, so I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Thanks :)
updated by @ultrajam: 06/14/16 10:11:00PM
02/20/16 12:59:02PM
2,584 posts

Pie charts examples using Flot / jrGraph?

Using Jamroom

I actually ended up bypassing jrGraph js by using php to draw the pie chart and save it as an item image when saving or updating the item. That way I don't need to cache it and can use the same image to print into a pdf (one of the requirements of the design is for the item to be saveable as a pdf).
02/20/16 03:46:14AM
2,584 posts

Pie charts examples using Flot / jrGraph?

Using Jamroom

I have registered my graph function and added my graph template to my module.

In the graph function I add the flot pie chart js to the javascript_href_footer (the pie plugin script is already in the flot contrib directory).

If I hard code my data into my graph template it works ok, but I'm stuck with passing graph data into the template either via the jrGraph_embed function or via my custom graph function.

What I'd like to be able to do is pass in $override_data in some way, maybe in the smarty function eg:
{$override_data='[{ label: "Series1",  data: 10},{ label: "Series2",  data: 30},{ label: "Series3",  data: 90},{ label: "Series4",  data: 70},{ label: "Series5",  data: 80},{ label: "Series6",  data: 110}]' }
{jrGraph_embed module="ujPlanner" name="graph_pie_chart" override_data=$override_data}
Or in the registered function, eg:
$_rs['override_data'] = array("Series1" => 10,"Series2" => 5,"Series3" => 11,"Series4" => 7);

For now though I think I'm going to have to parse a non-jrGraph graph template within my module so that I can get my item data to appear as a pie.
02/17/16 08:29:12AM
2,584 posts

List / pagination problem with custom module

Jamroom Developers

I have fixed this by adding another search condition, but still interested to know what might have changed there.
02/17/16 07:49:07AM
2,584 posts

List / pagination problem with custom module

Jamroom Developers

After updating to 5.3 we have some problems with profile item listing and pagination in a custom module.

There are now many additional "blank items" listed using item_index.tpl with all of the actual items appearing on the last page. So we have 6 workbook items here: but now we have to go through to page 25 to see them - previously they were all on the first and only page.

This from item_index.tpl
    {capture name="row_template" assign="template"}
            {jrCore_module_url module="ujMicroSite" assign="murl"}
            {if isset($_items)}
            {foreach $_items as $_page}
            <div class="item">
                <h2><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$_page.profile_url}/{$murl}/{$_page.micro_category_url}">{$_page.micro_category}</a></h2>

    <div class="block_content">

        {jrCore_list module="ujMicroSite" profile_id=$_profile_id group_by="micro_category" order_by="micro_category asc" template=$template pagebreak="12" page=$_post.p pager=true}

The workbook pages are similar to jrDocs pages (multiple sections in pages which are grouped into books using a category field). I don't think there is anything in listeners which would relate to this.

Any ideas how the 5.3 code may have caused this? Or how to fix it?


updated by @ultrajam: 05/19/16 06:07:59PM
02/17/16 02:35:51AM
2,584 posts

Dating Site Template

Design and Skin Customization

I have dated a number of Jamrooms over the years. Some of them were excellent company and we had a lot of fun, but I haven't found "the one" yet. ;)
02/16/16 01:45:53AM
2,584 posts

YouTube Video Gallery Scheduling


And Mozilla folded their project - I dont think popcorn has much of a future.
02/15/16 09:07:17AM
2,584 posts

YouTube Video Gallery Scheduling


Brian, Popcorn was a very nice Mozilla project which mixed various kinds of media on a video editor type of timeline. It was a part of their webmaker education project, not related to popcorn time in any way.
02/15/16 06:21:53AM
2,584 posts

YouTube Video Gallery Scheduling


Mozilla's own site using popcorn (one of the webmaker sites) went away a while ago, not sure why.
02/15/16 06:02:18AM
2,584 posts

Explaining the Sign up form, a two-way problem, and a possible two-in-one solution

Using Jamroom

Might be best to keep your signup form very simple placing signups in a very simple quota which requires no approval.
Once they are signed up, ask for your more complicated information and then move those who are suitable into your intended quota.
Keeping things very simple at the point of signup also allows you to use FB, Twitter etc to create an account.