Forum Activity for @ultrajam

05/06/16 06:16:47PM
2,584 posts

Who's feeling the Radiohead?

Off Topic

Burn the Witch:
Radiohead - Burn The Witch

Radiohead - Daydreaming

New album later this weekend.
05/06/16 01:41:03PM
2,584 posts

Who's feeling the Radiohead?

Off Topic

I'm loving the 2 tracks so far.

Anyone else listening to this?

updated by @ultrajam: 08/12/16 05:18:18AM
05/06/16 07:20:07AM
2,584 posts

Admin Skin setting not honoured on quota transfer page

Jamroom Developers

Thanks Michael.

I found a few more, sorry!!!

/metatag/update/id=0 (first metatag created is id=0???)
05/04/16 11:48:25PM
2,584 posts

php warnings from smarty templates

Jamroom Developers

Thanks Michael, I'm pretty sure there were no warnings from smarty templates before, so I'm wondering why I'm seeing them now.

Should the Jamroom error_reporting be overriding what is set in php.ini?
05/04/16 04:59:54AM
2,584 posts

php warnings from smarty templates

Jamroom Developers

This is what I have in the template:
{if $} active{/if}

This is what is written to the log
Quote: [04-May-2016 12:17:27 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: active in
a5_1.file.a8f34af511c3170d099044f85248b8d7^ujWorkbookJacket^header_menu.tpl.php on line 106 [1]

updated by @ultrajam: 05/04/16 05:52:30AM
05/04/16 04:35:30AM
2,584 posts

php warnings from smarty templates

Jamroom Developers

Looking at my error_log, I see many warnings from smarty templates. I don't think that was happening before.

Developer mode is disabled, so should I be seeing any warnings at all?

Is it possible that php.ini on the server is overriding the jamroom setting of error_reporting?

Quote: [04-May-2016 12:17:27 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: profile_quota_id in /home/mysite/public_html/data/cache/ujWorkbookJacket/f5f1fb0af05568b5d652f0de51cc859b^b6b3b68856f667cffd756d3d34333aae2b65174e_1.file.85f82b0f9b1040faae3ef9cee03ddad8^jrGoogleAnalytics^universal.tpl.php on line 34 [6]
[04-May-2016 12:17:27 Europe/Dublin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: profile_quota_id in /home/mysite/public_html/data/cache/ujWorkbookJacket/f5f1fb0af05568b5d652f0de51cc859b^48963a8d5a8a538c290fdf33a3d1715cd9ffffe5_1.file.79c5d3667f71ab0cf4d1d9b67e4e5cd0^ujWorkbookJacket^profile_header.tpl.php on line 41 [4]

updated by @ultrajam: 09/01/16 04:05:51PM
05/04/16 03:01:06AM
2,584 posts

Admin Skin setting not honoured on quota transfer page

Jamroom Developers

I have the Admin Skin module installed and configured to use a different skin for the ACP, but on this ACP page the active skin is used instead:
updated by @ultrajam: 08/07/16 03:03:30AM
05/04/16 02:35:20AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE inserting line breaks into some list items

Jamroom Developers

Hi Brian,

Thanks for fixing the line breaks in lists :)

But on display, we still have line breaks inserted after any heading, after any div, inside blockquotes, after blockquotes, etc