Media Url Scanner
Using Jamroom
I'm on the right track, but I think it may be the jrYouTube module after all. I've run out of time for now.
There is definitely a problem within jrYouTube_extract_id, as is hard coded, yet the urls I get from youtube are all https. So all youtube embeds fail at that point in jrYouTube_url_found_listener.
If I do pass a correct youtube id in at that point, jrYouTube_get_feed_data fails because of the curl call to youtube. I have an api key but cant validate the domain as that requires a different department to change the MX records. Seems overly complicated in order to embed a youtube?
Update: I have validated the site (you can also do that through the search control panel by uploading a file), but the curl request still returns a 400 Bad Request.
updated by @ultrajam: 05/18/16 06:18:38AM