Forum Activity for @ultrajam

06/01/16 08:35:42AM
2,584 posts

Display a New Module Template?

Design and Skin Customization

If you are still looking at $_post there is this:

$_user.profile_id will be the id of the user looking at the page, it will show the user's items from all profiles. If $_post is available and its a profile template, use $_post._profile_id to show things from that profile
06/01/16 02:18:08AM
2,584 posts

Media Url Scanner

Using Jamroom

Great stuff, that works perfectly now.

After updating the modules I continued to get errors, but found the reason for that - my Youtube v3 API Key had a space before and after. Although that works when you paste the url from the activity log into a browser, it fails via curl. I removed the spaces and everything worked fine, maybe the API key should be trimmed?

05/20/16 11:46:27AM
2,584 posts

Media Url Scanner

Using Jamroom

Thanks Michael :)

I'm on holiday at the moment so I can't give that a try (can only ftp into the server from within the work network), but I will when I return.
05/18/16 07:04:06AM
2,584 posts

Media Url Scanner

Using Jamroom

Yes, it says "API Key is configured" for youtube.

Consumer key and secret are not set for Vimeo, but vimeo urls are converted to embeds fine.
05/18/16 05:13:13AM
2,584 posts

Media Url Scanner

Using Jamroom

I'm on the right track, but I think it may be the jrYouTube module after all. I've run out of time for now.

There is definitely a problem within jrYouTube_extract_id, as is hard coded, yet the urls I get from youtube are all https. So all youtube embeds fail at that point in jrYouTube_url_found_listener.

If I do pass a correct youtube id in at that point, jrYouTube_get_feed_data fails because of the curl call to youtube. I have an api key but cant validate the domain as that requires a different department to change the MX records. Seems overly complicated in order to embed a youtube?
Update: I have validated the site (you can also do that through the search control panel by uploading a file), but the curl request still returns a 400 Bad Request.

updated by @ultrajam: 05/18/16 06:18:38AM
05/17/16 12:57:51PM
2,584 posts

Media Url Scanner

Using Jamroom

Ahaa! It works for a vimeo, but not a youtube. That could well be one of my listeners messing with the youtube embed.
05/17/16 12:43:32PM
2,584 posts

Media Url Scanner

Using Jamroom

Hi Douglas :) hows things with you?

Yes, both and are allowed in iFrame Control.

I can see it working on the forum here (searched for a post where Brian posted a youtube) so I wondered if I had missed a step somewhere along the way.

If I haven't it's possibly a problem with a listener in one of my custom modules, so I'll dig into that later.

Thanks :)
05/17/16 10:14:00AM
2,584 posts

Media Url Scanner

Using Jamroom

I have the module enabled, in jrCore "Convert Media URLs (UrlScan)" is checked for the quota, and the youtube module is enabled for the quota (but no youtubes have been created). And have emptied caches.

If I put a youtube url into the forum or blog post the url is not converted, although smilies are.

Is there a step that I am missing? Does the module only work for youtubes that have been uploaded to the site?

updated by @ultrajam: 08/31/16 11:36:27PM
05/08/16 10:04:19AM
2,584 posts

Who's feeling the Radiohead?

Off Topic

You get the Trumpton part but a little lost on The Wicker Man?
05/07/16 07:40:35AM
2,584 posts

skin from scratch

Design and Skin Customization

That's cool! Good work man!