Forum Activity for @ultrajam

06/07/16 01:55:46AM
2,584 posts

jrEmbed 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 update breaks parameter value into array

Jamroom Developers

Ah, yes that's it, and it's through an embed_html listener that the jrEmbed_replace_tag function is called.
updated by @ultrajam: 06/07/16 07:23:04AM
06/07/16 12:56:51AM
2,584 posts

jrEmbed 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 update breaks parameter value into array

Jamroom Developers

It's exploding the value of the parameter (location), which wasn't the way it worked until the current 1.3.8 update.

I've just uncommented the old code and commented out the new to get things working again
updated by @ultrajam: 06/07/16 12:57:10AM
06/06/16 08:43:33AM
2,584 posts

Not working right


This is happening due to a change in the latest jrEmbed update to 1.3.8

I've posted a query on the developers forum here:
06/06/16 08:41:32AM
2,584 posts

jrEmbed 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 update breaks parameter value into array

Jamroom Developers


Ken Rich has reported a problem with using the ujGoogleMaps module TinyMCE embed.

I've found it to be caused by the latest jrEmbed update (1.3.6 to 1.3.7), specifically this change to the jrEmbed_replace_tag function:
    $params = array();
    foreach (explode(' ', $match) as $part) {
        list($k, $v) = explode('=', $part);
        $k = trim($k);
        $params[$k] = trim($v);
The parameters before that code:
[module] => ujGoogleMaps
[mode] => place
[location] => Corner Brook, NL, Canada
[maptype] => roadmap
And after:
[module] => ujGoogleMaps
[mode] => place
[location] => Corner
[Brook,] =>
[NL,] =>
[Canada] =>
[maptype] => roadmap
Should it be doing that?

updated by @ultrajam: 09/15/16 01:41:41AM
06/06/16 06:59:32AM
2,584 posts

Not working right


Thanks for that Ken, I can see the problem.

The address needs the spaces to be replaced by a +

I'm not sure if it is the Google Embed API, TinyMCE or Jamroom which has changed but I will look into finding a fix soon.

Meantime you can get that working by adding the + manually:
[jrEmbed module="ujGoogleMaps" mode="place" location="Corner+Brook,+NL,+Canada" zoom="18" maptype="roadmap" width="100%" height="300" ]

The embed doesn't have a preview or searchahead dropdown on the field. You need to use the main googlemaps form field for that as it uses a different API with those features.
updated by @ultrajam: 06/06/16 06:59:48AM
06/06/16 06:00:07AM
2,584 posts

Not working right


Hi Ken

Initial test of the embed seems to be working:
A location:

A search:

Do you have a link to a page where the embed is failing? Are you entering a search or location that Google can actually respond to?

updated by @ultrajam: 06/06/16 06:12:04AM
06/03/16 12:07:36AM
2,584 posts

_init() doesn't need 'editor_button'


It was the dns, give that a try now and it should be working fine.
06/02/16 03:44:50PM
2,584 posts

_init() doesn't need 'editor_button'


The problem seems to be with the dns rather than jamroom or ipsumjam.

I'm out of time for now, and won't be able to troubleshoot it until the end of next week, sorry for the inconvenience.

Have you used it recently? Do you know when it last worked without the error?

updated by @ultrajam: 06/02/16 04:07:07PM
06/02/16 02:06:26PM
2,584 posts

_init() doesn't need 'editor_button'


I'm looking into it now Douglas, thanks for letting me know.
06/02/16 05:43:46AM
2,584 posts

php warnings from smarty templates

Jamroom Developers

I have found a way to get the error reporting back to something more manageable, and closer to how I remember it reporting.

In jrCore_parse_template, unless developer mode is on I set
$GLOBALS['smarty_object']->error_reporting = 0;

This gets me back to listing php notices for scripts, with nothing reported from the smarty templates.