Forum Activity for @ultrajam

06/22/16 07:57:34AM
2,584 posts

Google Tag Manager


Try putting a space after each { and before each }
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
<noscript><iframe src="//"
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){ w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({ 'gtm.start':
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js' });var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->
06/21/16 02:10:32PM
2,584 posts

What do you love about Jamroom 5 right now?

Off Topic

Apart from loving jrDocs as always, I'm particularly loving the tools that Jamroom gives you to manage your project.

jrTracker and jrForum.

We don't use our forum so much: I'm often at my desk where people can find me, but it's useful as some of our people are on other campuses. I do wish we used it more though.

The tracker is something I use several times a week. Mostly that's just to organise myself and to prioritise things I need to do to our system, but it shows a record of items on my ToDo list so my team are able to see what I am aware of and what anomalies I haven't noticed yet. I'm the only person posting to the tracker, it works well like that for us.

What I love most about Jamroom right now is that where I work we have used it to build a great learning resource for our students, and that everyone (usually a librarian) who drops by my desk (to mention a bug, a feature request or a question about how to use it) arrives smiling and leaves happy. And that's just great :)

updated by @ultrajam: 12/23/16 12:42:34AM
06/21/16 01:41:40PM
2,584 posts

Sneak Preview of Premium Skins Ad


That's a great typo! Love it!

Well spotted Strumelia.

Nice video Nate :)
06/21/16 01:17:30PM
2,584 posts

Documentation to ePUB or app


Take a look at the documentation module code, I really like it. I'm one of it's biggest fans :)

I use a module based on jrDocs to make sectional pages, and the pages are organised into microsites (at work we call them "workbooks", here's one example: These workbooks are collaboratively written by librarians to deliver teaching to university students. Librarians seem to love Jamroom, which is pretty cool!

Within jrDocs you can write a section pretty easily, just a couple of functions and a template. Try adding in an audio section, or get a developer to do that if you need. It isn't a big job if you know your way around a Jamroom module. You'll have to merge in your customisations when you update jrDocs but there aren't many updates as it's as stable as it's useful :)

Of course the easiest route to getting audio into jrDocs is to allow audio embeds in the editor section. Give that a try first if an audio player in your docs is what you need, no worries when you update jrDocs.
updated by @ultrajam: 06/21/16 01:24:19PM
06/20/16 09:34:40AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE inserting line breaks into some list items

Jamroom Developers

Nothing that I can see which would have any bearing on that.

I've noticed this though: When \n and \r are stripped on validation, the html is saved to the database in separate lines. There are no \n or \r but the new lines still exist. This is where the br is inserted after the ul.
If I edit that in the database and remove that new line, the br is not inserted.
06/18/16 12:23:12PM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE inserting line breaks into some list items

Jamroom Developers

I don't think so, but I'll double check that next week.
06/16/16 05:02:49PM
2,584 posts

Embed Local Media in TinyMCE not working in Chrome on iOS

Using Jamroom

What is this iPad perversion you speak of? I cannot imagine the horrors to be defended against. Where should we iWatch next?
06/16/16 04:58:37PM
2,584 posts

{if} statement - works in some templates not in others

Jamroom Developers

Luckily it's not possible that it is being ignored :)

Either $group_intro_video is not set, or it is not = null, or both.

What happens if you try one or the other?
06/16/16 05:15:09AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE inserting line breaks into some list items

Jamroom Developers

Ok, that looks right - to get that to display right here I needed to replace the single quotes with double quotes around the br tags and added a space after $_tmp = explode(
06/16/16 05:08:35AM
2,584 posts

TinyMCE inserting line breaks into some list items

Jamroom Developers

function jrCore_remove_unwanted_breaks($string)
{ if (strpos(' ' . $string, "<br>")) { // fix ul if (strpos(' ' . $string, "<ul")) { $_tmp = explode( "\n", $string); if ($_tmp && is_array($_tmp)) { foreach ($_tmp as $k => $line) { if (strpos(' ' . $line, "><br>")) { $_tmp[$k] = str_replace("><br>", '>', $line); } } $string = implode("\n", $_tmp); } }

updated by @ultrajam: 06/16/16 05:11:53AM