Forum Activity for @ultrajam

09/27/16 12:16:10PM
2,584 posts

Clicking chat post button opens a mac system Open modal

I was clicking the button to post rather than pressing return
09/27/16 12:15:31PM
2,584 posts

Clicking chat post button opens a mac system Open modal

Ah, jusst seen your previous post, that's what it is - user misperception.
09/27/16 12:12:49PM
2,584 posts

Clicking chat post button opens a mac system Open modal

The chat, I tried to post to the chat whilst on a forum page and the system window opened. I then came here and tried to post to chat again, and a system window opened again.
09/27/16 12:09:46PM
2,584 posts

Clicking chat post button opens a mac system Open modal

Yes, both here and in the main forum.
09/27/16 12:04:47PM
2,584 posts

Clicking chat post button opens a mac system Open modal

On both this profile and the main forum, if I try to post to the chat by entering my comment and then click the post button a system "Open File" window opens, so I can't post my comment.
09/27/16 09:25:29AM
2,584 posts

partially load of site

Installation and Configuration

Ah, you need a working webserver either on the internet or on localhost.

Look at the html source of your web page. Then click the link to the css stylesheets and see if they load.
09/27/16 08:21:09AM
2,584 posts

partially load of site

Installation and Configuration

Looks like you are not loading any style sheets, are they linked to in the source code?
09/27/16 06:21:00AM
2,584 posts

comments order newest first?

Ning To Jamroom

Copy the comment_form.tpl from jrComment to your skin and rename it mycustomcommentform.tpl

Then in your profile_index.tpl template change your jrComment_form function to this:
{jrComment_form module="jrProfile" profile_id=$_profile_id item_id=$_item_id template="mycustomcommentform.tpl"}

Then in mycustomcommentform.tpl find the two jrCore_list calls and change this
order_by="_item_id `$_conf.jrComment_direction`"
order_by="_item_id desc"